BIO 181

By ajmomed
  • The Voyage of the HMS Beagle

    The Voyage of the HMS Beagle
    Charles Darwin wrote this book and published it in 1839. It was based on his voyage to the Galapagos Islands. The voyage began on december 26 1831. He studied the beaks of finches and came up with the theory of evolution by natural selection. It is what he is known for.
  • Louis Pasteur refute spontaneous generation

    Louis Pasteur refute spontaneous generation
    Louis Pasteur was a French biologist, microbiologist, and chemist. He ended the debate on spontaneous generation by designing an experiment to see if sterile nutrient broth would spontaneously generate microbial life. The experiment that proved his piont is nown as the swan-neck flask experiment and in it air made contact with the broth.
  • The Origin of species by means of Natural Selection is published

    The Origin of species by means of Natural Selection is published
    This book was published by Charles Darwin and is regarded as the foundation for evolution. Darwin theorized that populations evolve over generations. Individuals do not evolve but whole generations do according to Darwin. This book is considered to be one of the greatest to ever be written due to its impact.
  • The Germ Theory of Disease is published

    The Germ Theory of Disease is published
    According to the science museum, the germ theory states that many diseases are caused by specific microorganisms. This theory became big in the 19th century in the United States and Europe. Evidence for this theory actually existed decades in advance but the theory was not publsihed until the 1800s. It's crazy how long science thoeries take to be recognized as theories. The first people who correctly thought of this didnt even live to witness this becoming a theory.
  • Gregor Mendel publishes works on inheritance of traits in pea plants

    Gregor Mendel publishes works on inheritance of traits in pea plants
    Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics publishes works on the inheritance of traits in pea plants in 1865. In it, he made the groundbreaking discovery of inheritance law. He even came up with three laws of heredity which are the law of segregation, the law of independent assortment, and the law of dominance. With his pea plants, he proved that genes come in pairs and that each parent gives one to the offspring to be inherited.
  • Period: to

    45. The Challenger Oceanography Expedition sails around the world

  • Plasmodium falciparum is described as the causative agent of malaria

  • Neils Bohr develops the Bohr model of atom structure

  • The first atomic bomb is used in war

    The first atomic bomb is used in war
    The first atomic was used by the United States on Japan during WWII. The bomb was nicknamed "Little Boy" according to CNN and it killed 80,000 instantly when it detonated 1800 ft above the ground. More than $2 million was spend on the development of the bomb in the Manahatan Project and this bomb was what ended the war or at the very least was the main reason.
  • Hershey-Chase experiments are published

  • Miller-Urey experiments published

  • Watson and Crick propose the double helix model of DNA structure

    Watson and Crick propose the double helix model of DNA structure
    Watson and Crick are credited with the discovery of the double helix but it was not them who made the discovery. It was Rosalind Franklin and they took credit for it and won a Nobel peace prize. I learned this from my chemistry teacher last year. She is one of those scientists that died too earlt to witness the work and the effectstheyve had on the world.
  • Nirenberg cracks the genetic code

  • Apollo 11 lands on the moon

    Apollo 11 lands on the moon
    The landing of Apollo 11 on the moon was a huge accomplishment for humanity and the United States. They were competing the U.S.S.R known as Russia. The spaceship had two people in it, Mission commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Buzz Aldrin. I wish I was alive to witness it but hopefully, I am still around when Apollo whatever lands on Mars.
  • Australopithicus afarensis nicknamed “lucy” fossil discovered

  • Tommie Lee Andrews is convicted of rape

  • 1. “Reproductive isolation as a consequence of adaptive divergence in Drosophila pseudoobscrura” published

  • The Innocence Project is founded

    The Innocence Project is founded
    The Innocence Project was founded in 1992 by Peter Neufeld and Barry Scheck at Cardozo School of Law in order to help innocent people convicted of crimes. It is a non-profit organization that wants to exonerate innocent people wrongly sent to prison. They do this through the use of DNA and being activists for criminal justice reform. They are too selective in my opinion and only select cases in which they think they can win. That is unfair to some people.
  • Dolly the sheep is cloned

    Dolly the sheep is cloned
    Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1997. Dolly had a couple of health issues like arthritis. Scientists at the Roslin Institute in Scotland cloned Dolly from an adult cell. I am surprised they haven't tried to clone a human since then. I know there are laws against it and all but there has to have been one person crazy enough to do this.
  • Human genome is fully sequenced

  • Richard L Bible is executed

    Richard L Bible is executed
    Richard L. Bible was a murderer convicted of the murder of Jennifer Wilson. He hid her naked body under a tree so I think he may have raped her as well. If he was willing to murder then he was willing to do anything. It was 23 years until he was executed for his crimes. He was from Flagstaff right here in Arizona.
  • Sahelanthropus tchadensis fossil discovered