Bill Gates: founder of Microsoft

By kredan1
  • Date of birth

    Date of birth
    He born in Seattle,WA. And his age is 61 years old
  • Education

    Bill Gates, Harvard college 1973-1975
    Lakeside school 1967-1973.
  • Family?Married?Kids?

    Wife:Melinda Gates August 15,1964(age 52)
    Daughter:Jennifer Katharine Gates April 26,1996(age 20)
    Son:Rory John Gates May 23,1999 (age 17)
    Daughter:Phoebe Adele Gates September 14,2002( age 14)
    Father:William H.Gates November 30,1925( age 91)
    Mother:Mary Maxwell Gates July 5, 1929( age 64)
  • Are they still alive? If Dead,date of death

    Are they still alive? If Dead,date of death
    Bill or William gates still alive
  • Founded company When?Where

    Bill gates found the company on April 4,1975
  • Major Accomplishments and Awards

    Major Accomplishments and Awards
    1992- National Medal of Technology and innovation.
    1994- Distinguished Fellow of the British computer society.
    1997- Satellite special achievement award for outstanding contribution to entertainment new media.
    2010-Silver Buffab Award.
    2010-Bower Award for Business leadership.
    2013-lasker Bloomberg public service Award.
    2013- Bambi millennium award.