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Beowulf's Timeline

  • 1 CE

    Grendel's Attack On Hrothgar's Herot

    Grendel's Attack On Hrothgar's Herot
    A powerful monster named Grendel has been terrorizing a small village. He has killed several people throughout the village and kills as he wishes.
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    Hrothgar is in the need of Help

    Hrothgar is in the need of Help
    Hrothgar, the king of Danes, is in frantic need of help to restore peace back at his village. There is no one powerful enough is the Herot to take on Grendel and Hrothgar is seeking help from outside the village.
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    A Hero Appears

    A Hero Appears
    An epic hero, Beowulf, gathers his troops and sails across the sea to come help defeat Grendel. Once Beowulf and his troops arrive, they appear in front of Hrothgar and convinces Hrothgar he is the hero they need. Beowulf has a past history of defeating powerful monsters helped promote his resume to Hrothgar.
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    Unferth's Challenge

    Unferth's Challenge
    Beowulf came across one problem before he had to face Grendel and that was Unferth. Unferth, a little drunk, started to belittle Beowulf's past achievements and tried to convince everyone that Beowulf was not strong enough to take on Grendel. Unferth tried to claim that Beowulf lost to Breca in a swimming match. Although, Beowulf only came up short because he had to fight nine sea monsters and he did so successfully!
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    Grendel's Last Attack

    Grendel's Last Attack
    Grendel comes back once again to Hrothgar's Herot like he normally did, although he had a surprise waiting for him this time. Beowulf was prepared waiting for Grendel. Beowulf overpowered Grendel and ripped off his arm. He drove Grendel back out of the Herot and Grendel was slowly dying.
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    Grendel's Mother's Revenge

    Grendel's Mother's Revenge
    Grendel's mother was not a fan of what Beowulf had done to her son. She wanted to seek revenge against Beowulf. In order to do so, she had attacked the Herot unexpectedly. After her attack on the Herot, she got what she wanted. Beowulf took a deep dive into her underwater lair and went to attack her. At first, Beowulf's sword failed him and was in risk of losing his first battle. However, Beowulf found another sword in her lair and used it against her, killing her with it
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    Beowulf's Revenge Against Grendel

    Beowulf's Revenge Against Grendel
    After Beowulf had defeated Grendel's mother, he found Grendel laying in a corner. Beowulf had raised his sword and struck Beowulf's head, chopping it completely off. Beowulf had his souvenir that he wanted and returned it to Hrothgar as proof that they no longer had to worry about Grendel terrorizing their Herot any more.
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    Beowulf's Final Battle

    Beowulf's Final Battle
    Fifty winters had past and an older age Beowulf had to go up against a dragon. The dragon was furious because some thief stole a jeweled cup from is hoard of gold and the jeweled cup just happened to be in Beowulf's land. However, Beowulf was no match for this dragon this time. The dragon had overpowered Beowulf and caused life threatening injuries to Beowulf. This would be Beowulf's final battle.
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    Wiglaf Takes the Thrown

    Wiglaf Takes the Thrown
    Wiglaf, cousin of Beowulf, had taken the thrown after Beowulf's passing. Wiglaf was the only warrior that had went to fight the dragon with Beowulf while all of Beowulf's other warriors had ran away from the fight.
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    Beowulf's Funeral

    Beowulf's Funeral
    Beowulf wanted his accomplishments to be known by everyone and that he would never be forgotten and Wiglaf made sure that would happen. The Geats had cremated Beowulf and placed his ashes in a burial mound by the sea for all the voyagers to see. Beowulf's past accomplishments will never be forgotten by people living in the Herot. Beowulf will always be an epic hero at the Herot.