Baroque/Classical Era Timeline

  • Period: to

    Baroque Era Time Period

  • Monteverdi's L'Orfeo Orpheus

  • First Public Concerts in England

  • J.S. Bach

  • Antonio Vivaldi's L’Estro Armonico

    It was a harmonic inspiration and was composed in 1711. It was published by Etienne Roger in Amsterdam.
  • Rameau's Traité de l’harmonie

    He codified practices of his contemporaries, especially Corelli. He is the most influential of all theoretical works. It became the basis for teaching functional harmony.
  • Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier volume 1

    There are 24 preludes and fugues of equal temperament.
  • Franz Josef Haydn

  • Handel's Messiah

  • Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges as director of Concerts des Amateurs

    It was one of the finest orchestras in Europe. He was one of France’s best composers, conductors, and violinist. US President John Adams called him “the most accomplished man in Europe”.
  • J.S. Bach

  • Period: to

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

  • Period: to

    Viennese Classical Period

  • Mozart's Don Giovanni

  • Period: to

    Haydn's Symphony No. 94 "Surprise"

  • Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges as director of Concerts des Amateurs

    It was one of the finest orchestras in Europe. He was one of France’s best composers, conductors, and violinist. US President John Adams called him “the most accomplished man in Europe”.
  • Franz Josef Haydn