
barabara stanwyck

By 239998
  • Ruby Catherine Stevens

    Ruby Catherine Stevens
    Barbara was the final child of Catherine,and Bryon, she had a older brother named Malcomn, and three sisters named Mildred,Maud Mabel.
  • barbaras mom dies

    barbaras mom dies
    Catherine, Ruby's mom died when little Ruby was only two years old , it happened when Catherine was pushed off a trolley by a dizzy ,crazy dude, and she was struck sharply in the head
  • ziegfield girl

    ziegfield girl
    Barbaras chorus group shuts down, and moves on to Ziegfield Follies Company, and barbara gets to be a ziegfield girl for forty dollars, a week
  • frank, and barbara get married

    frank, and barbara get married
    barbara falls in love with actor Frank Fay, after former boyfriend Rex Cherrymen dies, and barbara, and frank marry soon after and flee to Hollywood, after marriage
  • first sound movie The Locked Door

    first sound movie The Locked Door
    stanwycks first movie with people talking ,and acting at the same time, it was presented as The Locked Door
  • barbaras first son Anthony Fay

    barbaras first son Anthony Fay
    Tony Fay was barbaras first son who she adopted. she ,and her son tony had great fun together
  • frank throws baby tony into pool

    frank throws baby tony into pool
    frank, barbaras husband throws tiny tony into the pool, while he, and wife , barbara have a fight, barbara sreams ,and calls for divorce.
  • Robert Taylors, and barbaras ranch

    Robert Taylors, and barbaras ranch
    Here is the place where Robert,Tony,and Barbara, lived after engagement, and wedding.
  • Robert Taylor divorce with Barbara

    Robert Taylor divorce with Barbara
    After Robert Taylor,cheated on Barbara, she called for divorce, even though she still admired Robert
  • titanic

    Robert Wagner, and Barbara, meet on the movie 'The Titanic',and fallin love, untill ,Barbara breaks off love.
  • Robert Taylor dies

    Robert Taylor dies
    On Robert Taylors death Barbara moans ,and whimpers incontrollably at his funeral
  • oscars

    Barbara was suprised with, a trophy covered in gold, called the Oscars award
  • Barbaras death

    Barbaras death
    Barbara died of lung deasese, and congestive heart failure, she was forever remembered, as a star