Aviation History

  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to Jan 1, 1400

    Da vinci started working on the fundamentals of aviation

    He had designs on some of the first known helicopters and parachutes.He also understand the center of pressure,center of gravity,and streamling
  • Montgolfier brothers

    They created the first hot air balloon
  • First Dirigible created

    First Dirigible created
    it shows a new investment in aviation
  • Samuel Langley

    He is given a 50,000 grant from the u.s government to design a plane.Tested to flights off the top of a house boat both of them ended up crashing.cause the government to be more causes about giving money to people with aviation
  • First powered flight ever by the Wright brothers

    It was the first sustained man powered flight.
  • The U.S. starts to get interested in aviation

    The wright brothers actually wrote to the U.S. government three times tell teddy Roosevelt started to get intrested. And the u.s government actually deiced to by a airplae
  • Glen Curtiss comes into fame

    He started with motorcycles came the fastest man in the world.He also built engines for the first powered airship. Curtiss and A. G. Bell created Aerial Experiment Association. He also one of the first ever air races.
  • First International Air race

    It was the first ever race with planes and it was in France where one of the wright flyers plane actually flew.All they had for pylons were wood so if you hit it you are now dead. Ralph Pulitzer was the one to encourage high speed flight in air races.
  • Wright and Curtiss open first flight school

    It was one of the first flying schools in america
  • Harriet Quimby

    She is the first women ever to solo across the English channel.She also was the first american to have a pilots license.
  • First Commercial Flight

    The first flight was from Tampa to St. Petersburg and it was only a 20 min. long flight and it only cost $5.It also flew the route twice a day for five months
  • Period: to


    When the U.S. entered ww1 they had now combat ready aircraft while Britain and France combined to have 450 combat ready aircraft and Germany had 200 aircraft.The U.S. did not enter the war tell 1917.During this time bombs were actually dropped from the lap.Also this was the first war where strategics bombing started but it was not very effective.
  • The U.S. post office starts Aviation Program

    The post office started there own aviation program and they used the army's planes at first but by august of 1918 they were starting to use there own airplanes and starting to buy them there self's.
  • Aviation starts to die

    After the war aviation almost came to and end because people thought that we did not need aircraft or air power anymore.But it is recovered thanks to barnstormers and that is when people started to get more interested agian.
  • First ever nonstop flight across the atlantic

    The first ever non stop flight across the Atlantic was made by Captain John Alcock and Lieutenant Arthur Brown.They won 50,000 dollars from the British daily mail.
  • Amelia Earhart comes to fame

    She was the first women to be a passenger on a plane crossing the Atlantic. She was also the first women to solo across the Atlantic.She was all the President of the "Ninety-Nines"
  • Boeing wins army competition

    Boeing wins army competition
    Boeing won the competition for a pursuit aircraft in 1935 it was the Boeing 299.Around this time we were realizing what Germany was trying to do and starting to invade and start war.
  • The Jet age is near

    So Germany was one of the first country to test out a jet but British was not far behind them.So the first plane for the Germans was a Me 262 and Britain's was the Gloster E.28/39
  • Things we learned from north africa

    Things we learned from north africa
    So one of the major things that we learned was that we need more air superiority.An also we need more air superiority for our ground troops.
  • Battle of Britian

    Battle of Britian
    For the battle of Britain Germany started to sporadic bombing in august of 1940.Germany used fighters to escort the bombers this was the first this ever happened. Britain used new technology during this time like radar and other stuff the really helped the British push back the germans
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    So Pearl Harbor was a very well planned a skillfully executed attack.So how japan attacked was that they would to them in waves of about 190 planes.Almost Immediately after the attacks we declared full out war on japan.
  • The Invasion of Normandy

    So the invasion of normandy or as some people like to call it D-Day was one major key turning point in ww2.There were almost 1,500 planes there from the U.S.,Britain,And Canada
  • Combinine powers

    Combinine powers
    One thing that we learned as ww2 progressed was that we need more offensive on the allied side and one thing that helped with that was the U.S. and Britain started to bomb targets together.
  • Bombing Berlin

    So when we started to bomb Berlin it was almost the end of the war.So we would do a couple of bombing missions a day tell Hitler committed suicide.It also by doing this we cut Germans supplies in half.
  • Attacking Japan

    So like D-day the bombing of Tokyo was a major stepping block in conquering the empire of japan.we used assorts of bombs when we did this run but the most common was incendiary bombs that pretty much burned Tokyo to the ground.
  • Atomic bomb

    The Deadliest weapon ever to be made was used to end ww2. It was first dropped on Hiroshima where it killed 70,000 people instantly and couple from radiation poisoning. Then the second one was dropped on Nagasaki because japan did not believe us when the first one went off.This is what ended ww2 for good.
  • Aircraft Reaches Mach 1

    On October 14, 1947, Chuck Yeager became the first man to fly Mach 1
  • Berlin Airlift

    So what happened was that the soviet union put a blockade so that there would be no surface transportation. So the U.S. And British had to air drop over 4,500 supplies a day so that the German people would survive.In 1949 Russia Stopped the blockade and air superiority won again.
  • Korean War

    So what started the korea war was when N.Korea Invaded S. Korea and the U.S. Had to get involved.this was also the first war with an all out battle with Jets
  • Period: to

    The First Part to the Middle of the Vietnam Conflict

    So around 1950 France started to lose control with Vietnam so Truman sent over some advisers and also 15 million dollars. But by 1957 french pulled everything out of Vietnam and that is when everything started to go straight down hill from here.
  • Finally Reach Mach 3

    Finally Reach Mach 3
    Not even nine years later, on September 27, 1956, Mach 3 is reached with the X-2
  • The First ever supersonic passenger plane

    So the first ever Passenger Plane to fly at supersonic speeds was the Concorde.It was only flown by British airways and air France.
  • Commercial Aviation is Advancing

    So Boeing is starting to build bigger and better planes like the 707,727,737,747,757,and the 767.Also Commercial Aviation was doing well with all of it's planes tell 9/11 happened and that is when stuff for a lot of the airlines started to get a lot serious.
  • Period: to

    From the Middle to the end of the vietnam Conflict

    Around when the middle was happening one of the most famous operations started and this was rolling thunder.A lot of people think this is when Vietnam really started for the U.S. between 1965 and 1972.Also now we were starting to do more gorilla style fighting and more strategics bombings an air combat started to happen.By the end when Nixon came along promised to stop the war in Vietnam and get all U.S. forces out of Vietnam.
  • First Supersonic Passenger Aircraft Takes Flight

    Concorde takes first flight in May 1976
  • Period: to

    The Gulf war

    So there were a lot of wars in the desert but the most famous one was Operation Desert storm.There was one operation that happened before Desert storm and that was called Desert shield that is when we moved a lot of different thing to the middle east in case Saddam Hussein went all wack O
  • 9/11 and how it changed all of our lives for aviation

    So It was a Tuesday in September when all of the sudden two planes hit the world trade center and then another hit the pentagon and also another crashed in the middle of a field in pennsylvania. This changed all of our lives forever because of how horrific it was but it also changed how we look a military aircraft and how we need to have something in place for and attack from inside the U.S. . Also we learned that we need a lot better security than just the typical screener and a pat down.
  • Drones

    They have not effect us as much some of the other stuff on this list has but they soon will become a major factor in how the military uses them.Because I know the right after 9/11 the CIA used drones attack the Taliban.
  • British and French Work on Supersonic Aircraft