Australia and the Modern World: An Overview

  • The Wright brothers make thier first flight

    The Wright brothers make thier first flight
    The airplane that Orville and Wilbur wright had created went 120 feet off the ground for 12 seconds. This was a feet of engineering as it was the building block for airplane construction. This allowed everyone across the globe could visit and reach long distances with a short distances of time expelling boats for long journeys. This event was probablly one of the most engineering inventions of the 1900s.
  • Wall Street Crash

    Wall Street Crash
    The Wall Street Crash caused a economic decline millions of people out of a job and forced on the street. This lead to the 10 year Great Depression that effected Australia in a great way. This made the dollar almost useless as high inflation rates skyrocketed as people didnt trust the banks. This made the event even more influantial.
  • Anschluss Between Germany and Austria

    Anschluss Between Germany and Austria
    The Anschulus the combination of Germany and Austria or Germany speaking people grew against other nations. Austria and Germany as a unite nation would be unstopabble. This had a great impact on every country leading up to world war 2 in 1939.
  • Pearl Harbour

    Pearl Harbour
    Pearl Harbour didnt occur the war would’ve gone on for longer as America hadnt rotaliated on Japan this meant that Australias soldiers would be able to stop fighting. America would later seek revenge on Japan bombing Nagasaki and Hiroshima
  • Nagasaki Atomic Bombing

    Nagasaki Atomic Bombing
    The Nagasaki Atomic Bombing as well as the Hiroshima bombing essentially ended the war allowing for the soldier serving in foreign countries return to their home. This also killed a few hundred thousand in the process the accurate total is unknown.
  • China becomes communist

    China becomes communist
    China becoming communist essentially effected billions of people and killed millions of people as people rebelled against China. China then killed a lot of the occupants. People wouldnt dare go against the throne.
  • Montgomery Bus Strike

    Montgomery Bus Strike
    In November 30 1955 a black man was arrested for refusing a seat on the bus to a white person this lead the inspiration for the Montgomery Bus Strike. This later led to the 1967 Referendum to give black people equal rights.
  • Publication of Rachel Carlsons Silent Spring

    Publication of Rachel Carlsons Silent Spring
    This book created awareness for environmentalism and saving and helping the planet. This had a great impact making great campaigns to save rivers and lakes such as the River Gordon.
  • Paul Ehlrich The Populatin Bomb Publication

    Paul Ehlrich The Populatin Bomb Publication
    The population bomb added fear into the lives of people creating a sense of perfect humanity and reduce population growth. This meant that it would therefore be harder to acces other countries creating refugees.
  • September Attacks 9/11

    September Attacks 9/11
    On September 11th 2001 19 terrorists took control of 4 passenger jets that had thought to be from al-Quaeda. One of the airlines crashed into the Pentagon. One also hit the America Capitol Building. These menacing attacks had led to the murder of Osama Bin Laden as a result as they thought he was responsible. After these attacks had made great fear into the occupants of Virginia.