charles darwin Feb 12, 1809 - Apr 19, 1882

  • species form and change over time.

     species form and change over time.
    Darwin’s analysis of the plants and animals he studied from traveling around the world lead him to think how species of all types change over time.
  • Charles Darwin Feb 12, 1809 - Apr 19, 1882 Origin of Species

    Charles Darwin Feb 12, 1809 - Apr 19, 1882 Origin of Species
  • charles darwin The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex released in 1871

    charles darwin The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex released in 1871
    The Descent of Man outlines the theory and evidence for human evolution that, as well as his arguments about the origins of civilizations
  • charles darwins death.

    charles darwins death.
    Charles Darwin died in 1882 at the age of seventy-three. He is buried in Westminster Abbey in London, England. He was also buried next to Isaac Newton at Westminster Abbey.