Comte 360x450 (1)

Auguste Comte 1798 - 1857

By iron772
  • Saint-Simon Collaboration

    Saint-Simon Collaboration
    During an eventful time in France's history, just several years after the French Revolution, young Auguste Compte had found himself looking for a new direction. He found it focusing on publishing papers, pamphlets, and magazines centered around three ideas Compte collaborated with Saint-Simon: The contrast between organic and critical periods in history, Industrial Society, and Spiritual Power.
    Here is a short educational video on Auguste Compte:
  • The two cornerstones of Positivism

    The two cornerstones of Positivism
    The Law of the three stages, and the classification of sciences (positivism) were first formulated in Compte's book 'The Philosophical Considerations on the Sciences and the Scientists' (1825). Making Auguste Compte best known as the Father of Positivism and Sociology. A time where King Louis XVIII granted freedom of the press to France and this allowed a lot more information to be exchanged among communities freely.
  • For educational purposes, I will set my pencil down.

    For educational purposes, I will set my pencil down.
    The first 'System' by Compte in 1822 was left to idle and not be written more on for another pressing issue. Compte had focused more time on social science and 'its resulting positive polity' beginning a course on positive philosophy. Originally only meant to be a side note to Compte's work, ended up becoming a big part of his career focus.
    As well, in 1826, the famous 'cerebral crisis' occurred immediately after his opening lecture, forcing Compte to halt giving public lessons.
  • Positivism Transformed

    Positivism Transformed
    Getting back to work on outlining 'System of Positive Polity,' "Positivism transformed science into philosophy; complete positivism now transforms philosophy into religion." -Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Compte's recognition throughout Paris and Britain had begun to gather interest in his ideas and more and more minds were learning about complete positivism through his excessive teaching load and many many forms of literature he produced on sociology and the philosophy of science.
  • Works Cited

    Bourdeau, Michel, "Auguste Comte", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =