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  • Period: Mar 23, 1473 to Mar 23, 1543

    copernicuses lifespan

  • Period: Mar 23, 1564 to

    galileos lifespan

  • Period: Mar 23, 1571 to

    keplers lifespan

  • Hans Lippershey,made the first telescope ever created

    The first person to apply for a patent for a telescope was a Dutch eyeglass maker named Hans Lippershey, (or Lipperhey). In 1608, Lippershey tried to lay claim on a device with three-times magnification. His telescope had a concave eyepiece aligned with a convex objective lens.
  • Hans Lippershey, made the first spyglass

    Hans Lippershey, credited with invention of the telescope. The first person to apply for a patent for a telescope was a Dutch eyeglass maker named Hans Lippershey (or Lipperhey). In 1608, Lippershey tried to lay claim on a device with three-times magnification.
  • Huygens discoversthe bulges aroundSaturn are separaterings

    In 1686, Huygens built an
    open-air telescope. He found
    Saturn’s ring with a smaller
  • silver on glass

    Scientists learn how to put silver on glass. 1850's: German chemists used a chemical reaction to make a silver-on-glass mirror.
  • Computers control and position telescopes

    In 1976, the Russians built the
    BTA, which was controlled and
    positioned by computers. The
    MMT uses a computer-controlled
    altitude-azimuth mount.