Assignment 3: Reading History

  • Word World

    Word World
    To help me develop phonics skills, I would repeat after each phonics was said on screen.
  • Reading Peers

    Reading Peers
    In kinder, we had 5th-grade aids, these students would come and read with us. We had to read out loud and then we took the AR quiz. I develop comprehension skills.
  • Speech Therapy

    Speech Therapy
    Since English is my second language, I knew a bit before kinder but wasn't strong. I also had trouble annunciating some vowels and phonics. The requirement was to do oral storytelling to graduate from the program. I graduated earlier since most did when they were in the fifth grade.
  • Reading Logs

    Reading Logs
    We had reading logs in elementary schools and we were assigned to read at most 30 minutes every day though I enjoyed reading so this was easy to complete. There were times when we were required to keep count of the pages we read.
  • Summer Reading Challenge

    Summer Reading Challenge
    Every summer I took part in the summer reading challenge at the local library, I had to read a certain number of books throughout the summer to claim prizes.
  • 3rd grade Play

    3rd grade Play
    I took part in a classroom play. I learned how to annotate my parts and the parts of others. I also had to learn how to take proper pauses.
  • 3rd Grade Choir

    3rd Grade Choir
    I was part of my school's choir, learning how to read music and the lyrics.
  • Harry Potter Books

    Harry Potter Books
    I would include these books because they rank at a higher level and how dense they are. This forced me to develop my reading pace and understand different sayings. I only read the first two books.
  • Computer Class

    Computer Class
    When technology was finally being integrated into the schools. We had to be able to type certain words per minute. Learning how to use the keyboards and being memorized where the keys improved my reading skills because I had to know the letters of the words and the keys to type them out without looking.
  • The Great American Challenge

    The Great American Challenge
    In fifth grade, we had to recite the Gettysburg Address, 44th presidents, states, and capitals. We had the option to sing or recite the Star-Spangled Banner. I had to do this multiple times because my biggest issue was my pauses and I had to annunciate the old English words properly to pass.