Ariyana McGowan Timeline

  • Communist Manifesto

    The communist manifesto was written by Karl Marx establishing the ideas of communism and spreading awareness of socialist values across Europe but especially Russia. This spread the idea of how capitalist societies will eventually collapse which is why communist societies should be adopted in-place. This would take huge part in the Russian revolution as well as following it, spreading communist ideas to other nations, not just in Europe where it was published.
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    Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War was caused by the Russians not allowing Japan to have Manchuria and Korea divided, but the Japanese would win. This war would take place all over the Korean peninsula, Japan, Manchuria, and plenty of aquatic battles.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday occurred in St Petersburg, which was part of the Russian empire. An abundance of attacks would occur on this date when the Czar would order Russian forces to kill unarmed citizens, this incident would help spark the Russian revolution by the toll loss of innocent lives.
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    Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution spread constant political and social unrest throughout the whole Russian empire. Tzar Nicholas II would try to convert the Russian government from autocracy to constitutional monarchy which would outrage much of the population. This revolution would set rise for communism in Russia and spread the idea around the world, educating other nations for more socialist values instead of capitalist.
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    Second Balkan War

    The second Balkan war took place between the baltic states including as well Serbia and Albania. This war was caused from the alliance of the Balkan states, with Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria divided their conquests but could only be resolved with war, resulting with Romania joining. This war was able to cause the Ottoman empire to be divided and given mostly to Russia, but Britain and France would intervene preventing too much territory to be taken.
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    World War I

    World War I dominated mostly in Europe, but would eventually spread to the Americas, as well as Africa and Asia. The use of trench warfare, automatic weaponry, as well as new technology and advancements, made this War notorious for it's death toll in battle. World War I later would determine and establish national affairs and economic issues that would help other countries thrive.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    The Zimmerman telegram was issued from the German Foreign Office proposing military alliance between them and Mexico if the US would enter the current war (WWI). This telegram was intercepted and deciphered by the British which they would later send financial aid in hopes they wouldn't ally with Germany. American outrage over Germany (when uninvolved in the war) had only increased from this, persuading them to urge more towards war against Germany.
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    Russian Civil War

    The Russian Civil war would take place during the first world war and finish years after polishing the government for Stalin to eventually take over from dictatorship. The Civil War began following the Bolshevik revolution because Lenin would try to establish a Bolshevik government with the Red army. The nation was tired of autocracy
  • Battle of Meuse-Argonne

    This battle offensive was known as the largest American expedition force involved in WWI, having over 1 million soldiers fighting, also making it one of the most deadly, with around 120,000 causalities. This massive battle caused Germany to surrender, eventually leading to armistice. This battle was the most deadly for any US Army, but the most important for the War itself.
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    Love Canal

    Love Canal is located in Niagara Falls, NY which was introduced as a landfill, later converted to a chemical dumping site in the 40s, after a decade of improper chemical disposal at Love Canal, the 1970s would produce black fluid leaving the area. By 1977, the EPA would find that alongside the mass amount of snow from the environment, chemical disposal would vastly increase contamination. Later showing nationally an example of improper disposal of waste in our environment.
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    Chinese Civil War

    Chinese Civil War would break out between Chinese communists and Chinese Nationalists where Mao would fight feudalism with guerrilla warfare. The Soviet Union would back Mao during the fight, and Chiang will focus more on defeating Mao instead of fighting the Japanese. Communists would take control over China forcing the republic of China to retreat elsewhere.
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    Mao's Long March

    Mao's long march would provide strength, support, and resilience to the the Chinese Republic. Mass migration of communists would move to the Shaanxi Province. Also, support among low income status would become more pronounced instead of resorting to communism (which was more common for the time).
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    Potsdam Conference

    The Potsdam Conference took place in Germany in which Germany would become divided between allies as well as Soviets and the sphere of influence. Eastern nations would still be needing more area, reparations and discussion with one enough which would establish economic and political disputes.
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    August Revolution

    Which would throw off the rule of French and Japanese imperialism resulting with Ho Chi Minh becoming the chair of the provisional government where he would later issue the Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The revolution would occur right in Vietnam where the colonialists would be defeated establishing democracy.
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    Greek Civil War

    The Greek Civil War would take place across all of Greece in which the land was divided by communists, and non-communists. Both parties would get individual, rivalry support where the USSR would support the communists and the US would support the non-communist Greeks. Eventually, the spread of soviet influence would obviously spark political controversy in more parts of Europe, but slowly more into the Middle East. Finally, the communists would become defeated after this long civil war.
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    Stalin's Plan for the Transformation of Nature

    Stalin would recognize the worldwide downfall of agriculture spreading to famine years after WWII. His plan was to help his land, the Soviet Union, to work on their agricultural and land issues. To treat this, he would try to transform mass landscapes to progress both industrialization, and agricultural needs. Plenty of environmental damage would be the result of this, specifically towards Central Asia.
  • Marshall Plan

    US President Truman would sign the Economic Recovery Act of 1948 where the US would provide economic assistance to Europe following the war. Truman understood European land, agriculture, and industry would be destroyed from war, but additionally, they would lack any money to fund for rebuilding these things, so Truman lent a significant amount of money to rebuild what was broken from the war in hopes for a better worldwide economy, and a good political standpoint for any parties involved.
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    First Arab-Israeli War

    The First Arab-Israeli War would be the first of plenty, in which this would change the demographics significantly throughout the middle east. Around 700,000 people fled from their homes due to refugees taking over their home (Palestine). Israel would gain control as a result of this for the years to come.
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    Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift would be the result of the Berlin Blockade in which Soviets would break travel and energy west from Berlin, when the US (Truman) would send for supplies. This would eventually spark to form the German Federal Republic.
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    Green Revolution

    The food crisis was tremendous globally for Industrialization within the first half of the 20th Century in which would also strike agriculture, also a need to improve diet and nutrition. Agriculture and reduction of land use, would propose for economic growth in agriculture dependent countries. It was common to use pesticides and fertilizers, which aren’t necessarily as “green” as we once remember. The rapid change of nature would cause stress on groundwater supplies and irrigation.
  • Atomic Energy Act

    The Atomic Energy Act would instruct for more nuclear reactors, and later the US and Europe would not be liable in the event of a disaster due to the 1957 Price-Anderson Act. However, this would pertain similarly to Love Canal, in which proposes a question of proper disposal of these chemical wastes.
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    Vietnam War

    US would try to support South Vietnam against communists in which later the USSR would pledge unconditional support to North Vietnam. Air attacks would continue in most of North Vietnam from US planes. The US would face significant challenges unseen and unexpected from the environment, and their enemies. This war was widspread across media with plenty of protests and walks.
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    Hungarian Revolt

    The Hungarian Revolt would spark due to oppressive rule by Matyas Rakosi in which would be removed from power. The next leader, Gero, would be introduced to needed reform by citizens in which were denied. This would bring in the Soviet army into Budapest to relieve any distress or rebellion to maintain communism, which would spread following the revolution throughout Hungary.
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    Great Leap Forward

    Chinese Leader Mao would emphasize the importance of certain things in lifestyle and cultural tasks to the people of China. He would emphasize on focusing on education, for the sake of making scientific advancements and engineering new goods, as well as industrializing, while focusing on agriculture. Doing all of these simultaneously seems hard, and it is, which shortly would fall into the Great Chinese Famine the following year.
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    Six-Day War 1967

    Israel would plan to attack Egypt but would require some support from Europe or the US, but all would refrain from aid or war expectations. The US would hope that Israel would remain an ally after no aid (because the US didn’t want to engage in war), but to specifically not enrage Soviet relationships. The USSR would plan to become allies with Arab countries to cut off US oil. Air Strikes would begin the war, which would end just 6 days with Israel proving their strength again Arab forces.
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    Oil Crisis

    The central regions of oil production would form the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries in 1960 where they would ban export of oil to any nations supporting Israel in the Arab-Israeli War. This plan was to have Israel surrender in the war due to a massive lack of resources, and especially needed at the time, oil. Other nations would try to help Israel and would produce the nuclear program. Activists will invest in more solar, wind, and geothermal energy research.
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    Civil War in Angola

    Portugal would withdrawal their ownership of the African Empire in their own government from dictatorship to democracy. This time would call for the MPLA, a communist regime, and the National Union for the Total Independence (anti-communist). MPLA was supported by US and South Africa, but Soviets and Cuban Militia would show mixed mindset. The MPLA gains power over Angola with supportive Cuban forces but the Cubans would withdrawal and distance themselves due to uncertainty of the Soviet union.
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    Soviet invasion of 1979

    The US would see the Soviet invasion as a threat to their own oil supply in which they would boycott the summer Olympics. Later the US President would send more US troops in the Middle East, and would give weapons and training to the Mujahideen. Led by Osama Bin Laden, he would recruit a large army over plenty of countries and provide weapons and the Mujahideen owned heroin poppy cultivation.
  • Chernobyl Disaster

    The nuclear plant would be run by the soviet union but would blow up in a reactor incident, exposing extreme amounts of nuclear radiation throughout the city and country. Chernobyl is in no condition for life to persist in its nature until the radiation reduces over time. This massive nuclear accident would be to the blame of the soviet union, and would mark it as the beginning of the end of the soviet union.
  • Tiananmen Square Massacre

    In a public area, there were plenty of hunger and labor strikes that would storm the streets causing the Army to block off the protestors. Eventually, over 1 million would fight against control of the square, estimating at multiple thousands dead and plenty more thousands wounded from this event. It was notably one of the largest massacre's in history to end with military hardship.
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    Gulf War

    Saddam Hussein would invade Kuwait with Iraqi Military assistance eventually annexing the nation. Saudi Arabia would request aid in this situation which would be granted by the US-sending troops to help liberate Kuwait and freed the nation by February but establishing a permanent US military presence in the Gulf area. The US' presence in the middle east has increased since this disruption.
  • US Invasion of Iraq

    The US would enter Iraq in hopes to restrict the chances of Saddam Hussein, and other terrorist organizations to protect the peninsula of Saudi Arabia. The US would see no success or movement in this action, and would quickly suspend operations, for Hussein to eventually get killed after being tried and was responsible for plenty of lives, including US troops. This would fall right into the gulf war which would end relatively fast, by landing in Kuwait supporting them.
  • Balkan Wars

    Croatia and Bosnia had conflict with one another but Serbian forces were dominating those people into camps, massacres, and other unethical forces. This would heavily attribute to the incoming Yugoslavic Wars, in which Yugoslavia will disassemble by 2003.
  • The Fall of the Soviet Union

    At 1989 the soviet military will make nationalist groups distributed into countries throughout Eastern Europe. Breaking off into what we know as Poland, Ukraine, Romania, and other nations, the USSR would break off into new countries within Europe. This was caused by Gorbachev standing down. After being put on house arrest, Gorbachev would resign and disband the communist party and the country would transition to a new form of government.
  • Twin Towers Terrorist Attack

    9/11 is notably one of the most heartbreaking terrorist attacks in history due to its location for the victims, the heart of NYC, being a national tragedy for US citizens and plenty others. This terrorist crime was organized by Al Qaeda, run by commonly known leader from the middle east, Osama Bin Laden. Not only did the towers fall on 9/11 but another failed hijacking was aimed for the pentagon, but unsafely landed on the ground killing innocent lives.