
  • 322 BCE


    Aristotle-(384-322 B.C )He proved the earth is round.He also thought that stars traveled in separate spheres.He also believed the sun was the center of the universe.
  • 170 BCE


    Ptolemy-(100-170 A.D)He believed the earth was the center of the earth.He thought that the earth moved along a equant.He tried to predict stars movements.
  • 120 BCE


    Hipparchus-(190-120 B.C)He is founder of trigonometry.He calculated the length of a year created the first catalog of the stars.
  • 1543


    Copernicus-( 1473-1543)He had another theory that the planets revolved around the sun.Although the model he made to represent it wasn't completely right, it built a strong foundation for future scientists to build off of.
  • Tycho brahe

    Tycho brahe
    Tycho Brahe-(1546-1601)He made precise instruments before the telescope was invented.With his inventions he was able to track planet motions.
  • Hans Lippershey

    Hans Lippershey
    Hans Lippershey-(1570-1619)He is believed to be the one to make the first telescope and the first sketches of the telescope.He was a lense maker.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Johannes Kepler-(1571-1630)He was a German astronomer who discovered (1) the planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun at one focus; (2) the time necessary to traverse any arc of a planetary orbit is proportional to the area of the sector between the central body and that arc (the “area law”); and (3) there is an exact relationship between the squares of the planets’ periodic times and the cubes of the radii of their orbits (the “harmonic law”).
  • Galileo

    Galileo-(1564-1642)He made improvements to the telescope.The improvements he made where improving the lense magnification on the telescope.He also made the first studies of the planet neptune
  • Mariners Astrolabe

    Mariners Astrolabe
    The mariner's astrolabe, also called sea astrolabe, was an inclinometer used to determine the latitude of a ship at sea by measuring the sun's noon altitude (declination) or the meridian altitude of a star of known declination.