Architecture Timeline

  • 1901 BCE

    Dutch Colonial

    Dutch Colonial
    Dutch colonial architecture is an architectural style from a mother country that has been incorporated into the buildings of settlements or colonies in distant locations. While original Dutch Colonial homes were built of stone or brick, any exterior material may be used today.
  • 1890 BCE

    Spanish Colonial Revival

    Spanish Colonial Revival
    Spanish revival was inspired by the architecture of Spain and Latin America, emphasising their rich stylistic details. It has a low-pitched roof with little or no eave overhand, a red-tiled roof, perhaps a prominent rounded arch over a door, window or porch, a stucco wall surface, and usually an asymmetrical facade.
  • 1850 BCE

    Swiss Chalet Style

    Swiss Chalet Style
    The Swiss Chalet style, never widespread in the United States, appears to have enjoyed some celebrity in Cincinnati. The American version of the style was derived from the Swiss cottage from traditional among Alp-dwellers for hundreds of years. Majority architectures are made of wood, with a heavy, gently sloping roof and wide, well-supported eaves set at right angles to the front of the house.
  • 1825 BCE


    Russian architecture introduces the architectural style of each era in Russian period, and mostly in Russia. Architects aimed for complete creation by fusing in every artistic field. Therefore, not only the exterior of the building but also the decoration of details and the interior and furniture were designed to consistently assert. It was also the characteristic of the architecture at this time that heavily used colored tiles and stained glasses.
  • 1420 BCE


    In the Renaissance architecture, it is required to standardise on the scale of human beings, and a constitutive morphological beauty that is based on the architecture of Greece and Rome. In addition, the concept that the proportion of beautiful chords played by instruments also determines the beauty of architecture.