APUSH-Unit 5 (1844-1877)

  • Nat Turner leads a slave revolt in VA

    Nat Turner leads a slave revolt in VA
    Nat Turner leads slave rebellion that took place in Southhampton county , which turned out to be the largest slave revolt in the united states
  • American Anti-Slavery founded in Boston

    American Anti-Slavery founded in Boston
    Anti-slavery society in boston founded in 1831
  • Sarah Grimke's letter on the equality

    Sarah Grimke's letter on the equality
    Grimke was the first to defend the rights of women to speak publlicly
  • Henry Highland Garnet's address to the slave of the United States

    At the national negro convention in NEW york, henry highland called for an open slavery rebellion in the crowd, which encouraged slaves to rebel against their owners
  • Douglas publishes "The North Star"

    Douglas publishes "The North Star"
    he wanted to promote freedom for all slave and itt got its name because slaves escaping at night followed the North Star in the sky to freedom.
  • Women's rights convention-Seneca Falls, NY

    Women's rights convention-Seneca Falls, NY
    first ever women's right convention in United States
  • Harriet Tubman's escape from slavery

    Harriet Tubman's escape from slavery
    Harriet Tubman traveled the underground railraod to escape to Philadelphia .
  • Fugitive Slave act

    Fugitive Slave act
    The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 added further provisions regarding runaways and levied even harsher punishments for interfering in their capture.
  • Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a woman"

    Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a woman"
    Anti-slavery and women's rights activist Truth delivers speech that brings great attention to major issues
  • Harriet Beecher "Unlce Tom's /cabin"

    Harriet Beecher "Unlce Tom's /cabin"
    Novel helped lay the bridge-work for civil rights
  • republican party founded

    republican party founded
    The GOP was formed in 1854, changing the face of american politics as the alternative to democrats
  • Kansas-Nebraska act passed

    Kansas-Nebraska act passed
    It allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders,contrary to the Missouri Compromise
  • Civil War in Kansas "Bleeding Kansas"

    Civil War in Kansas "Bleeding Kansas"
    Bleeding Kansas was the period of violence during the settling of the Kansas territory.
  • Charles Sumner beating

    Charles Sumner beating
    Preston Brooks attacked Senator Charles Sumner with a walking cane because of a speech, Sumner gave at congress
  • Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision

    Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision
    The supreme court ruled that slave owners had the right to take slaves into western territories, which resulted Dred Scott not being able to go to the west
  • Lecompton constituion rejected

    Lecompton constituion rejected
    instrument framed in Lecompton, Kan., by Southern pro-slavery advocates of Kansas statehood. It contained clauses protecting slaveholding and a bill of rights excluding free blacks
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    A series of debates between republican Lincoln and democrat Douglas , speaking on slavery,etc
  • John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry

    John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry
    John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry was an effort by white abolitionist John Brown to initiate an armed slave revolt in 1859 by taking over a United States arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The 1860 election set the stage for the CIvil war
  • William Lloyd Garrison launches the Liberator

    William Lloyd Garrison launches the Liberator
    Garrison became a leader for the anti-slavery movement and his publication, the liberator, reached thousands of people worldwide