Apush time traveler project

  • 1400

    Age of Discovery

    Age of Discovery
    The age of discovery was a time period where Europeans went out and sought to discover the new world. This was during the 15th century till the 18th century.
  • 1500


    conquistadors where Spanish explorers who conquered places like Peru, Mexico and central America. This was during the early 16th century.
  • 1503

    The encomienda system

    The encomienda system
    The Spanish used the encomienda system to justify what they where doing the Natives. They would exploit they and use up their resources. they where later replaced by African Americans to fill in the labor shortage.
  • 1550

    Colombian Exchange

    Colombian Exchange
    The Colombian exchange was a widespread trade of animas, plants, new Diseases , culture and new populations. This happened in the 15th and 16th century after Christopher Columbus voyage to the Americas.
  • 1550

    Middle passage

    Middle passage
    The middle passage was a part of the triangle trade. it transported slaves from West Africa to the Caribbean. The Europeans traded goods for slaves. This happened during the 16th century all the way to the 19th century.
  • 1550

    Triangle trade

    Triangle trade
    Triangle trade was the system that operated from the late 16th century to early 19th century. It would carry slave from West Africa to the Caribbean then crash crops from the Americas to the European countries. The European countries would make manufactured goods that they would later trade with West African.
  • 1562

    Bering Strait

    Bering Strait
    the Bering Strait was a land bridge where natives traveled from Asia and into the Americas. The earliest time recorded was from Marco polo's adventures.
  • Small pox

    Small pox
    Small pox was a disease brought by the Americas by the Europeans in the 1600s. It killed millions of Native Americans.
  • Bartolome De las Casas

    Bartolome De las Casas
    Bartolome De las Casas was Spanish priest who wrote about all the horrible things the Spanish did to the native Americans. He wanted to end the encomienda system. also his writings would be used by the British to make the Black legend.
  • James town

    James town
    Jamestown was the first successful settlement by the British. It was established in 1607.
  • Navigation acts

    Navigation acts
    Navigation acts where a series of acts passed by the British to regulate trade. it would Implement a tax on products brought other than from them.
  • King Phillips war

    King Phillips war
    The King Philip's War was a result of tension between the natives in the British colonies it took place from 1675 to 1676 and it was caused by encroaching.
  • Great awakening

    Great awakening
    The Great Awakening was a religious movement in the 1730s and 1740s. They did emotional preaching and they also United the 13 colonies.
  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    The French and Indian war began in 1754 and ended in 1763. It was the French and Indians vs. England and the colonist. The Indians that had been threatening the colonists where defeated.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The proclamation of 1763 forbid the colonist to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. The colonists don't like it because the territory they won from the French and Indian war can not be colonized.
  • Mercantism

    Mercantilism was a type of economic policy that benefit of the mother country. This type of policy became very popular during the 16th and 18th century.
  • sugar Act

    sugar Act
    After the French and Indian war, the British had to find ways to pay for the war. so they implemented tariffs like the sugar, coffee and wines.
  • Checks and balances

    Checks and balances
    In checks and balances all three branches limit them self's, so no one had to much power. It was drafted in 1787.
  • The constituion

    The constituion
    The constitution established Americas national government and fundamental laws. It also guaranteed people basic rights.
  • National bank

    National bank
    Created by alexander Hamilton and George Washington in 1791. The bank would draw money and pull investors, it also showed that the constitution could be interpreted in different was.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The bill of rights was ratified in 1791 by James Madison. The first 10 amendments to the united states constitution is the bill of rights
  • Market Revolution

    Market Revolution
    The market revolution which happened during the 19th century. Saw a drastic change in things like transportation, communications and the production of goods so like factories.
  • Louisiana purchase

    Louisiana purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was when the US purchase a big Pease of land from France in 1803. This purchase would double the us territory.
  • war of 1812

    war of 1812
    The war of 1812 was a conflict between the Us and British. It was caused by the angered Americans over the impressment of American sailors by the British.
  • The Missouri compromise of 1820

    The Missouri compromise of 1820
    The Missouri compromise of 1820 prohibited the practice of slavery in the northern territory of the 36°30 parallel line. It was placed in use in 1820.
  • The Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe doctrine was a US foreign policy that basically told the European country's that they can not colonize the Americas. If they did the US would view it as an act of aggression. Passed in 1823
  • Abolition

    Abolition was an organized effort to end slavery during the 1700s but became a political issue in 1830.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The Indian removal act that was passed in 1830. Granted Andrew Jackson to negotiate with tribes east of the Mississippi. this lead the way of the emigration of lots of Indians west.
  • Nuliffication Crisis

    Nuliffication Crisis
    After the Tariff of 1828, the south started to have sectionalist feelings . They believed in state power and not federal, this time period is known as the nullification crisis.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    The Mexican American war began in 1846 and ended in 1848. The war happened because the us wanted California and other stated. Mexico would not sell so the us send military troops.
  • Temprance

    The Temperance movement was during the 19th century and early 20th. This campaign seek to eliminate the consumption of alcohol, this movement was primarily lead by women. Who saw this as a threat to family.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    The transcontinental railroad was a continuous Railroad that stretched from the Missouri Rivers to the San Francisco Bay. it was constructed from 1863 till 1869. It changed America forever, economically and culturally.
  • Sharecropping

    Sharecropping become very popular during the reconstruction era. It was an economic form that former slaves used to work. They borrowed the land then they had to borrow money for crops, it was an endless cycle.
  • 13th Admentment

    13th Admentment
    The 13th amendment to the US constitution out lawed slavery or other type of forced servitude. The amendment was ratified on December 6, 1865.
  • National Labor union

    National Labor union
    The National Labor was founded in 1866, it was the first organized union of skilled and unskilled workers. It did not last long, dissolved in 1873 but it would lead the was of bigger organization in the future.
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    Also known as the kkk, founded in 1866 in the reconstruction era. Often times violent toward African Americas, they would intimidate then. And rebel against the changing political, social and economic conditions at the time.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The civil rights act declared African Americans to be citizens. It also forbid the sates to discriminate between the people because of race. passed in 1866.
  • Jim Crow law

    Jim Crow law
    Jim Crow laws where local laws enforcing racial segregation in the south. They where enacted after the reconstruction period, from 1874 to 1965.
  • Battle of Little big horn

    Battle of Little big horn
    The battle of little big horn happened in 1876, when 260 white males where killed by Sioux Indians. This would lead to basically the massacre of a large amount of Indians.
  • Monopolys

    A monopoly has total control over a product or service meaning they control the economy of that product. Like how by the early 1880s John D. Rockefeller controlled 90% of the oil business.
  • Chinese exclution Act

    Chinese exclution Act
    The Chinese Exultation act of 1882 was signed into law by former President Chester A. Arthur in 1882. It prohibited all free immigration of Chinese laborers.
  • Trickeled Down Economics

    Trickeled Down Economics
    Tricked down economics is the theory that by providing economic benefits to the upper class it will in return help society as a whole.
  • Great migration

    Great migration
    From 1910 to 1970 about 6 million African Americans moved out of the south and into the north. They where trying to escape Jim crow laws and racism.
  • 19th Admendment

    19th Admendment
    The 19th amendment, ratified on august 18, 1920 gave women the right to vote. Also known as woman's suffrage.
  • Stock Market crash

    Stock Market crash
    Also known as black Tuesday, the stock market crashed in October 24, 1929. It was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the us. It would lead the way of things like the great depression.
  • The Great depression

    The Great depression
    The Great depression was a world wide economic depression that started in 1930 and ended in the late 1930s. It originated in the US and spread world wide. It was the most sever economic depression of the 20th century.
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    The new deal Programs where a set of Domestic programs passed by congress, as well as presidential executive orders passed by former president Franklin D. Roosevelt. They where put in place to prevent another Great depression.
  • Lend-Lease

    The lend lease programs where passed on march 1941. It loaned war supply to nation that protected democracy.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was a surprise military attack on the naval base of Hawaii on December 7 1941. This brought the Us into WW11
  • cold war

    cold war
    the cold war began in 1947 and ended in 1991. It was a non violent conflict because nobody actually went to war. It was just a period of tension between the us and the soviet union.
  • The cudan missle crisis

    The cudan missle crisis
    the Cuban missile crisis, happened when the soviet union sent missiles to Cuba to have better reach to the us. The us stated to notice that something was going on so they send spy planes over coda to see, Cuba shot down a plane. this is known as the u-2 incident
  • The civil rights act

    The civil rights act
    the civil rights act was passed in 1964 made desegregation illegal. Based on color, sex, race, religion or national origin. forced equality in workplaces and schools.
  • Great society

    Great society
    The Great society where a set of programs passed by former president Lyndon B. Johnson to help eliminate poverty. programs like Medicare, federal aid towards education and civil rights legislation where passed in 1965.
  • National organization for women

    National organization for women
    The National organization for women was founded in 1966. they wanted equal opportunity's and pay for women.
  • SALT I

    SALT I
    Salt stands for Straight Arms Limitation Treaty. it was sighed to reduce the number of nuclear weapons.
  • war powers act

    war powers act
    The war powers act was passed to give the president more power. it was passed during war time, so that the president could make dictions faster with out having to go through congress.
  • Reaganomics

    An Economic policy promoted by former president Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. IT cut taxes and build arms, it believed that capitalism would become productive when uninhibited by taxes and regulation.
  • Persian Gulf war

    Persian Gulf war
    The Persian gulf war took action when Iran invaded Kuwait in august 1990. Which was met with economic sanctions by the united nation and war support from the US towards the united nations and Kuwait.
  • North american free trade

    North american free trade
    An agreement established in 1994 between Mexico, Canada and the US. It was a free trade area. It was Designed to increase trade among them, eliminating tariffs and import quotas.
  • Clinton gets impeached

    Clinton gets impeached
    President Bill Clinton gets impeached by the house of representatives. He is Impeached for perjury, lying under oath
  • September 11, 2001

    September 11, 2001
    September 11 was the day that changed America, it was a terrorist attack on the us. The terrorist attack was from the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaida on the world trade center.
  • 2008 Election

    2008 Election
    The 2008 Election was a historic election due to all of the youth that that went out and voted just like minority groups. Also because it was the first African American president.
  • TARP

    TARP stands for Troubled asset relief program, it was financial aid or "bail out" given to big businesses that where too big to fail after the 2008 crisis. it was signed in by the former president George W. bush 2008
  • Afordable care act

    Afordable care act
    The Affordable care act is a reform heath care plan passed during Obamas administration. Its intention was to ensure that everyone could afford health care.