• Cotton gin invented

    A machine that seperates the cotton fiber from the seeds quickly, invented by Eli Whitney
    Cause was the need/demand for cotton
    Effect was increases need for slaves because of the high amount of cotton needed due to popular invention, which led to slavery debates, which led to the Civil War
  • Fugative Slave Act

    A law which guaranteed slave owners the right to pursue escaped slaves and return them to bondage in the south. Causes for the Fugitive Slave Act was the South wanting to protect slavery
    Effects where the North outbursting over slavery debate and then that led to the Civil War
  • Gabriels's Insurrection

    Gabrie Prosser was a literate slave who plotted a slave revolt. It was discovered and in consequence, he was hanged for it. Causes of this was simply slaves wanting freedom
    Effects were killing of the slaves that helped plan the event
  • American Colonization Society created

    Society whose primary goal was to return slaves to Africa. Also found Liberia. Causes were the belief that slaves should be free.
    Effects were the forming of Liberia and abolitionist movements. Then that led to the Civil War
  • Treaty of 1818

    Agreement to establish fishing terms, boundaries and slave restoration with Britain. Cause was the disputed territorial claims
    Effect was that Canada was no longer a safe place for slaves to escape to
  • Missouri Compromise

    Set the boundary for slavery at the 39' 30" parallel admitting Missouri as a slave state and making Maine a free state Causes were disputes over slavery in America
    Effect was creating a clear distinction between North and South with slavery dividing them then that led to the Civil War
  • Second Great Awakening

    A Protestant revival movement during the late 18th century and early 19th century in the U.S Causes for the second great awakening were economic changes
    Effects were social reform and slavery debate, which infact led to the Civil War
  • Liberia Created

    Country established by the American Colonization Society to serve as a new home for slaves Causes was the want to create a new home for saves in Africa and their freedom
    Effects were Anti-slavery sentiments and Northern support of Liberia
  • Vessey Revolt

    Denmark Vessey was a slave who planned a revolt but when the rebellion was leaked he and his followers were hanged Causes were slaves who wanted freedom
    Effects were killing of the slaves who panned the revolt and increased security of slaves/ worry
  • Turner Rebellion

    Slave revolt led by Nat Turner resulting in the death of about 50 whites between 100-200 blacks in retalliation Causes were slaves who wanted revenge for their enslavement
    Effects were many slaves being killed, stricter slave laws, abolitionist opposition and then all of that led to the Civil War
  • Nullificatin Crisis

    Crisis during Jackson's presidency where SC declared that states could nullify federal laws Causes were unfavorable tarrifs
    Effects were hostitlities and sectional disputes, federal supremacy and then the Civil War
  • American Anti-Slavery Society created

    A key abolitionist group that led the fight against the institution of slavery Causes were the abolitionists' hatred and disapproval of slavery
    Effects were that abolisitonism entered politicts, which led to slavery debates and eventually the civil war
  • Gag Resolution

    A rule that said that the instituiton of slavery could not be discussed on the House floor Causes of this resolution were the increase in slavery debates.
    Effects were outcrues over slavery since the topoic of slavery was basically protected in congress.
  • Texas Independence

    A signed Decloration of Indeoendence made the Texas territory officially seperate from Mexico. Causes were Texans wanting to gain freedom from Mexico
    Effects were freedom from Mexico but not annexation yet, more land for slavery and then evenentually helped lead to the Civil War
  • Panic of 1837

    Economic depression caused by over speculation and poor lending practices among other causes. Causes were over speculation and poor lending practices
    Effects were that it crippled American economy leading to hardships and hatred
  • Aroostook War

    Dissagreement over the boundary of Maine and New Brunswick that was resolved without a shot fired. Causes were disputes over borders
    Effects were The Webster-Ashburton Treaty
  • Webster-Ashburton Treaty

    The treaty that ended the Arookstook War permanently setting the boundary between Maine and New Brunswick Causes were border dispute and the panic of 1837
    Effects were that some land was gained and some conflict was avoided
  • Election of 1844

    Polk, democrat, defeated Clay, who was a whig, because of his support of expansion and his views on slavery Causes of Polk's win were his views on slavery and expansion policies
    Effects were the Aquisition of Oregon and Texas
  • Texas Annexation

    The U.S. officially admitting Texas to the Union starting the Mexican-American War and gaining large amounts of land Causes were the desire for more land (for slavery)
    Effects were Mexican cession, more land for slavery and then all of this led to the Civil War
  • Mexican-American War

    Dispute over territory after Texas was admitted to the Union resulting in conflict between Mexico and the U.S Causes were the annexation of Texas
    Effects were Mexican cession, more land for slavery and eventually led to the Civil War
  • Oregon Treaty

    Treaty that ended the joint occupation of the Oregon territory that made the boundary at the 49th parallel Causes for the treaty were territory disputes
    Effects were the settling of the border and rights between US and Britain
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Proposed bill that would have banned slavery in all land gained in the Mexican Cession Causes were the Mexican Cession
    Effects were conflict over slavery issue in new territories, then led to the Civil War
  • Pupular Sovreignty first proposed

    Idea that people shall rule by electing officals to represent them Causes were belief that the people should decide on slavery
    Effects of this was vote over slavery in new territories, then led to the Civil War
  • Election of 1848

    Election won by the Whig Taylor by condemnig Polk's war policies, defeating Van Buren and Cass Causes were that a War hero ran for president
    Effects were that this was the last time a Whig was president
  • Free Soil Party created

    Short lived political party that was focused on the issue of preventing the spread of slavery into the Western Territories Causes were abolitionists trying to get a say in politics
    Effects were slavery in Western territories debate, then the Civil War
  • Gold discovery in California

    Gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill by James Marshall which kicked off an influx of over 300,000 people in search of gold Causes were gold being in california and people wanting to find it
    Effects were growth in the West, desire for easier transportation to the West, sectional differences, then the Civil War
  • Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

    Treaty ending the Mexican-American war ending the Mexican Cession which gave the U.S huge amounts of land Causes were Mexican-American War
    Effects were that it ended Mexican-American War offically and led to the Mexican Cession
  • Know-Nothing Party created

  • Compromise of 1850

    The compromise of 1850 was a decision first presented by Henry Clay AKA the "Great Compromiser". It was a series of bills which included a stricter fugitive slave law for the south and the admittance of California as a free state for the North. This event was significant because it showed that both sides were moderate enough to agree on a compromise.The south was growing restless with the president for not compensating them. Both sides were angry about the compromise.
  • Election of 1852

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin published

  • "Bleeding Kansas"

  • Gadsen Purchase

  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

  • Ostend Manifesto

  • Republican Party created

  • Brooks-Sumner caning

  • Election of 1856

  • Lawrence, Kansas Attacl

  • Pottawatomie Creek Massacre

  • Dred Scott v. Sanford Supreme Court decision

    -Written by Roger Taney-In 1857-The document was said by Judge Taney, during a case in which a slave wished to keep his freedom, but Taney ultimately ruled against him, showing much racism towards blacks.-The document shows conflict between the white population and the slave and free blacks, as Taney ruled the case based almost entirely on race and bias towards the north.-Cause: Racsim, Black Codes, corrupt government.-Effect: Deeper North-South divide, key issue on the Republican platform
  • Panic of 1857

  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

  • Harper's Ferry Raid

  • Crittenden Compromise

  • Succesion of South Carolina

  • Election of 1860