Apple Timeline Exploring Business by Arun Kirk

  • Founding of Apple

    Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in Cupertino, CA
  • Why Apple was founded

    Apple, founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne to develop and sell personal computers.
  • Apple's First Product

    Apple's first product, named the Apple 1, was created by Steve Woznick, and was sold just as a motherboard, with nothing else.
  • Apple IPO

    Apple gave an IPO of $3.59 on this date. It was shown that if someone invested $900 in apple at the IPO, then that money today would be worth over $300,000 after stock splits.
  • Steve Jobs Ouster

    Jobs had recruited Pepsi-Cola CEO John Sculley to become Apple's CEO. Everything was fine until Jobs's own Macintosh divison produced lackluster sales (though great reviews). Tensions with Sculley tightened, and he was ousted in a board meeting after tensions erupted.
  • First Powerbook (Pro) released

    Apple released its first portable computer here. A version of the MacBook Pro, a decendent of the first Powerbook, is still being sole today.
  • Jobs returns to Apple

    Amid struggling finances, Apple bought Pixar, Jobs's company, reinstating him as CEO of Apple
  • First iMac Release

    Apple's first iMac was released, and marketed as faster and sleeker. This computer was visually rivised many times.
  • First iPod

    The first iPod was released on this date. It became widely popular and semented Steve Jobs as Apple's CEO.
  • Current Events - Apple Watch

    Wearable technology has become a huge fasion trend in recent months ans years. Apple tried to buy into the trend, by creating the Apple Watch, a voice controlled device that was supposed to act as a phone on your wrist. It flopped, badley.