Nelson mandela

Apartheid in South Africa/Nelson Mandela

  • Nelson Mandela born

    Nelson Mandela born
    Mandela was born in Mveso, Transkei, South Africa
    his birth name is Rolihlahla Mandela
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    Apartheid in South Africa and Nelson Mandela's life

  • Apartheids officially became law

    Apartheids officially became law
    The Apartheids were laws that segregated everyone based on skin color. People were segregated into whites, colored, blacks, or indian. There were separate schools, busses, restaurants, etc. The laws were geared to help whites. The Apartheid laws were actually illegal by international law. Marriage between races is not allowed.
  • Nelson Mandela was imprisoned

    Nelson Mandela was imprisoned
    Nelson was imprisoned for life as he was accused of treason against the government.
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    Nelson Mandela conintued to fight the Apartheids in prison

    Even in prison, Mandela spread his teachings and fought against the injustice in his country.
  • Mandela was released from prison

    Mandela was released from prison
    Mandela was released by the order of president F. W. de Klerk.
  • General Elections

    General Elections
    The ANC was elected to lead, and Nelson Mandela became president. (they had the majority of the votes)
  • Mandela retires from polotics

    Mandela retires from polotics
    Nelson Mandela retires, but still continues to affect the world afterward.
  • Nelson Mandela died

    Nelson Mandela died
    Mandela died in Johannesburg, South Africa. Nelson Mandela continues to be an inspiration for civil rights activists everywhere.
    His legacy is equalt to a south African Martin Luther King, Jr.
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    Mandela's Legacy

    Nelson Mandela was and still is to this day a symbol for all civil rights activists. His work in passive agressiveness and civil disobedience set the foundation for all other who followed him.