
  • Native land act

    this act forced all black Africans onto 7% of the land available leaving the rest for whites. it was the first significant law the seoeratied whites and blacks
  • Native representation act

    This act took away the right to represent non-whites. they were forced to vote for white representatives. This gave nonwhites even less opportunity to change the laws.
  • Afrikaner National Party is elected

    The ANP believed that it was God's plan for people to be segregated. the ANP eventually seperated the people into 4 seperate racail groups further systematcially segregating people.
  • Population registration act

    This act separated all people into four categories based on race and arbitrary rules for each category. This was significant because it furthered the systematic racism of apartheid.
  • Deference campaign

    This was a plan by the ANC to attempt to fill the prisons so they are backlogged. this was significant because it showed that peaceful protests worked. It also showed how manhy supporters the Anti-apartheid movement had
  • Reservation of Separate Amenities act

    This act made segregated public spaces legal. This is significant because it cut off whatever contat whites nd balcks could have had.
  • Freedom Charter

    The freedom charter was written as a set of rules for multiple anti-apartheid groups. It preached peaceful protests. It was significant because this was the groundwork of many groups.
  • Sharpsville massacre

    during a peacful protest police officers killed 69 africans and wounded many including women and children
  • PAC and ANC authorize violent measures

    These groups authorized violence. This is significant because it shows how the groups thought that peaceful protests might be futile.
  • Rivonia trials

    During the Rivonia trials, 8 of the tried 9 ANC leaders were sentenced to life. the trial led to the UN pleading South Africa to grant amnesty to the defendants. the UN even threatened to force sanctions on South Africa.