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Antonio Machado’s biography

  • Birth

    He was born in Sevilla, Spain.
    The day he was born was Santa Ana’s festivity.
    He was born in a rent house of Dueña’s palace in Sevilla.
    His parents were called, Antonio Machado Álvarez and Ana Ruiz.
  • Period: to

    Antonio Machado

    During his life, Antonio Machado was a writer, poet and dramatist.
    He took part during the time of Modernism and the 98 Generation.
    Nowadays is one of the poets best remembered of Spain’s literature history. Nevertheless his poems are considered some of the best ones in spite of we haven’t got all of them. The video that I have choosen is about the last days of his life, and how he spent those days with his family.
  • Travel from Sevilla to Madrid

    Travel from Sevilla to Madrid
    At this time, he travelled from Sevilla, where he spent his childhood, and installated in Madrid with his family.
    During the time he was in Sevilla, his mother’s family had a sweet shop in Trianas. However, his father was a journalist, folklore investigator and lawyer and he was internationally recognized with the pseudonyme of “Demófilo”.
    After it, they moved all of them to Madrid where they develop a certain period of their lifes.
    Machado would make a lot of travel since that moment.
  • High schools

    High schools
    In this time, Antonio Machado went to San Isidro High School, where the free institution was chartered for passing the entering exam to go to the state high school.
    He failed Latin and Spanish so his expedient was moved to Cardenal Cisneros high school for the 1889-1890 curse.
  • ILE

    He was formed in the ILE what means -Instutución Libre de Enseñanza-.
    The ILE was an educational project developed in Spain from 1876 to 1939. This project was inspired in a philosophy called krausista which was introduced in the Madrid Central University by Julián Sanz del Río. This had an important consequence in the intellectual live of the Spanish nation. Also, it was essential for the renovation.
    There he was in contact with teachers as Manuel Bartolomé Cossío or Ricardo Rubio.
  • Garnier in Paris

    Garnier in Paris
    He worked, during his first travel to Paris, in the editorial of Garnier. After it he went back to France.
  • Álvarez Soledades

    When he returned to Madrid, Machado gave his first book to the A. Álvarez Soledades imprent. They printed this book, and launched to the market.
  • Frech cathedra

    Frech cathedra
    He got the french cathedra in Soria’s high school.
    In spite of getting the cathedra he also started a frienship with Gregorio Pueyo.
    This gay, was an editor and bookseller during that period of time.
  • “Soledades, galerías y otros poemas”

    “Soledades, galerías y otros poemas”
    He wrote his fist poems book, “Soledades, galerías y otros poemas”, on it he expressed the melancholic tone. This book was an ampliation from the same book of 1903.
    One of the poems he wrote on this book is called “Recuerdo infantil”. In English it takes the name of “Memory from Childhood”.
    It is a poem in which he tell us some information about a specific day during his childhood in Sevilla.
  • Marriage

    He was married to Leonor Izquierdo.
    Leonor Izquierdo was married to Antonio Machado when she was only 15 years old. In that period of time getting married to a so young girl wasn’t bad seen.
  • Period: to

    Philology studies

    He was given a pension to study philology in París for 1 year and then he moved to study in Baeza.
    While he was there he attended to some philosophy curses. For example the one of Henri Bergston and Joseph Bédier. Those curses where imparted in the France College.
  • Leonor Izquierdo

    Leonor Izquierdo
    His wife passed away in this year because of an illness called tuberculosis.
    She was bury in the cemetery of Espino de Soria.
    After it he would write taking her into account, and expressing how he feels, and how much he miss her.
    When this horrible event took part, after it, Machado moved to Baeza.
  • Period: to

    “Los complementarios”

    During this period of time he wrote up some notes with the title of “Los Complementarios”.
    These notes got out in 1971, this happened after his death.
  • “Campos de Castilla”

    “Campos de Castilla”
    He wrote this book in 1912 and made an ampliation in 1917. The poems written in this book where focused on Spain, outside himself. He also wrote some poems related to his wife, because of her dead since an illness. In this link appear some of the most important senteces of his poems in this book. https://culturainquieta.com/es/lifestyle/item/10207-15-frases-del-poeta-antonio-machado-y-un-homenaje-de-serrat.html
  • Doctorate in phylosophy and letters

    Doctorate in phylosophy and letters
    In this year he was given a doctorate in phylosophy and letters and after it, he developed the cathedra in Segovia.
  • Spanish Real Academy

    Spanish Real Academy
    In this year he was chosen as a member of the Spanish Real Academy after developping his cathedra in Segovia.
  • Second Republic

    Second Republic
    In this specific day, happened one of the most important events of Machado’s life, the sencond republic was proclaimed.
    He was called for raising up the three-colour flag of this ploclaimation. This took part in the local goverment of Segovia.
    He expressed this emotional moment writing it on a paper. In this link appeared what he said and remembered that day.
  • “Juan de Mairena”

    “Juan de Mairena”
    Unlike his other books, this book was written in prose. He collected in this book, outlines and daily thoughts. In those writings, he added two imaginary characters, Abel Martín (poet and philosopher) and Juan de Mairena (his disciple and thinker). Through them he wanted to express his ideas of culture, art, society, politics, literature and philosophy.
  • Period: to

    Travels during the Civil War

    During the Civil War he was located in Madrid. However, he firstly moved to Rocafort, Valencia and after that, he travelled to Barcelona with his mother and other family members. https://youtu.be/Gdw39Igi-qk
  • “La Guerra”

    “La Guerra”
    The book called “La Guerra” was his last book. On it there are some of the poems and several texts wrote in prose. He redacted them during the Civil War.
    In this link there is the most important poem of his last book called “El crimen en Granada”.
  • Exile

    After the Civil war he started the route to the exile from Barcelona, but he couldn’t finish it because his dead got surprised him in Colliure, France.
    His travel wasn’t easy and he had to go in a carriage with other members and his mother, that was there when his child passed away.
  • Death

    He died while he was travelling to the exile in a little village called Colliure in France. This video is a shot summary of this beautiful village in the seaside of France.
  • “Cantares” Joan Manuel Serrat

    “Cantares” Joan Manuel Serrat
    During this year, the singer and songwriter, Joan Manuel Serrat, launched a song in which there are gathered some os the poems of Machado.
    He wrote this song to make an homage to Machado, so it is aimed to Machado to conmemmorate him and his life. Also he stand out the good things and the fantastic person he was. This link, contains the song written by J.M. Serrat.