Antiguo Régimen

  • Period: 1453 to

    Antiguo Régimen

    El Antiguo Régimen es un sistema político , social y económico que se da en Europa durante la Edad Moderna por el que una minoría privilegiada ( nobleza y clero ) poseen todos los cargos públicos y una mayoría de la población ( tercer estado ) no tiene ningún tipo de privilegios.
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    Revoluciones Industriales

    Conjunto de importantes transformaciones económicas y sociales que se produjeron como consecuencia de la utilización masiva de máquinas en los procesos de producción
  • Montesquieu

    He was known as a French philosopher belonging to a noble family.
    He was famous because he struggled for separation of property during the Ilustration.
  • Voltaire

    He was a French writer, historian, philosopher and lawyer, who belonged to Freemasonry and is one of the main representatives of the Enlightenment, a period that emphasized the power of human reason and science to the detriment of religion.
  • Rousseau

    He was a writer, philosopher, botanical, naturalist, and musician of the Enlightenment, despite the profound contradictions that separated him from the representatives of the movement.
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    Fue un movimiento cultural e intelectual. Fue conocido como el Siglo de las Luces. Los pensadores de la ilustración sostenían que e conocimiento humano podía combatir la ignorancia , la superstición y la tiranía para construir un mundo mejor
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    Adam Smith was a Scottish economist and philosopher, considered one of the greatest exponents of classical economics and the philosophy of economics.
  • George Washinton

    George Washinton
    He was the first president of the United States. He was United States military leader during the American Revolution War.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    James Watt was a Scottish chemist, inventor, and mechanical engineer. The improvements he made to the Newcomen machine gave rise to the so-called steam engine, which would be fundamental in the development of the first Industrial Revolution, both in the United Kingdom and in the rest of the world.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    He was the third president of the United States. HE was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. He was an aduocate of liberty. He is considered one of the American founding father.
  • Luis XVI

    Luis XVI
    He was born in Versalles. He was king of France when the monarchy was overthrow during the French Revolution Louis was fond ejecuted at the guillontine
  • Robespierre

    He was a french lawyer and politician he was born in France. He became leader of the Jacobing during the French Revolution and he became dictador during the reign of Terror. He was one of the most influential figures of thr French Revolution.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    He was a military and politician leader. He was born in France. He defend some liberal ideas , although he contain the power in France. He was one of the most influential figures on the 19th century.
  • Period: to

    La guerra de la independencia

    Guerra entre insurgentes americanos y Reino Unido .Los colonos fueron apoyados por España y Francia. Esta guerra finalizó con la Paz de Versalles, en la que Reino Unido reconoció la independencia de EEUU.
  • George Stephenson

    George Stephenson
    George Stephenson was a British mechanical engineer and civil engineer who built the world's first public railway line to use steam locomotives and the first passenger rail line to use steam locomotives.
  • Period: to

    Revolución Francesa

    Revolución que se produjo en Francia porque las personas estaban hartas de las condiciones del Antiguo Régimen .Sus causas fueron:
    Descontento social
    Crisis económica
    Las ideas ilustradas
  • Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

    Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
    He was a French anarchist philosopher, politician and revolutionary and, together with Bakunin, Kropotkin and Malatesta, one of the fathers of the historical anarchist movement and of its first economic trend, mutualism.
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    He was the 16th president of the United States. His presidency was dominated by the American Civil War. He defend the emancipation of all slaves and keep the union during American Civil War . He was one of the greatest American leaders.
  • Mikhail Aleksándrovich Bakunin

    Mikhail Aleksándrovich Bakunin
    He was a Russian political theorist, philosopher, sociologist, and anarchist revolutionary. He is one of the best known thinkers of the first generation of anarchist philosophers along with Piotr Kropotkin, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Carlo Cafiero and Errico Malatesta.
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    Karl Heinrich Marx was a German philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist, intellectual and communist militant of Jewish origin.
  • Friedrich Eian

    Friedrich Eian
    He was a German philosopher, political scientist, sociologist, historian, journalist, revolutionary, and communist and socialist theorist, friend and collaborator of Karl Marx. Engels was the son of the owner of a major textile factory in Manchester, the heart of the Industrial Revolution
  • Thomas Alva Edison

    Thomas Alva Edison
    Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor, scientist, and businessman. He developed many devices that have had great influence around the world, such as the phonograph, the movie camera, or a durable incandescent light bulb.