Antebellum Timeline

  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    This added 5 new laws. These laws were the fugitive slave law meaning you had to return a runaway slave. There was no slave trade in Washington D.C.. It made California a free state. Establishes boundaries of Utah and sets the boundaries of Texas
  • Westward Expansion

    Westward Expansion
    With westward expansion and new states such as California becoming free states, the North will be benefited from this and the South will not like it
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe Writes Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Harriet Beecher Stowe Writes Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This was book written about slavery and the women who wrote it portrayed it as a sin. Many copies were sold and it sparked many abolitionists pushing towards the war. Lincoln blamed Beecher as one of the main reasons the war started
  • Blood Spilled

    Blood Spilled
    Slave owner Edward Gorsuch was killed by a white anti-slavery group while searching for his runaway slaves. This made the slave states angry and pushed towards war.
  • Presidential Election

    Presidential Election
    Franklin Pierce was elected. He was the democratic candidate and the South supported him.This pushed towards the war because Pierce was pro-slavery
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    This purchase gave America the southern parts of Arizona and New Mexico. This benefited the south as it allowed a railroad to be made from west to east across the South.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    It changed the Kansas and Nebraska territories to areas that were not yet slave states but were open to slavery. The people in those territories would vote.
  • Slave Returned to the South

    Slave Returned to the South
    Anthony Burns was a slave who escaped from Virginia and went to Boston. President Franklin Pierce then ordered Federal troops to take him back to Virginia. They walked him through the streets as people watched. This pushed towards war as it made the North even angrier.
  • Ostend Act

    Ostend Act
    President Pierce had plans to seize Cuba and use it to expand the reach of slavery. They tried to come up with plans but eventually it got out and the North was very angry. Their actions caused Pierce to not take action on his plan.
  • John Brown Raids Harper's Ferry

    John Brown Raids Harper's Ferry
    Brown was an abolitionist who raided a military arsenal (Harper's Ferry) in order to try and create a revolt among the slaves. This made the South angry and helped to push towards war.