Antebellum America

  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    All states above Northwest Ordinance (Ohio River) prohibited slavery.
  • Gradual emancipation in the North

    States in the North stated that slaves would be freed once they turned 28 for men 25 for women
  • Slave trade banned

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Initiated by Henry Clay. Missouri accepted as slave state. Maine accepted as free state. All lands above southern border of Missouri (except Missouri) to be free. Slavery forbidden above line of 36° 30°
  • Monroe doctrine

    Stated that the Western Hemispere was closed to further European expansion
  • Tarrif of Abominations

    Heavy duties on British Imports. South relied on trade with Lancashire
  • Nullification Ordinance

    Tarrif of 1828 null in South Carolina.
    State courts forbidden from passing judgment on ordinance.
    If the US government chose to enforce tarrif, South Carolina would secede. Forced President Jackson to threaten force against South Carolina
  • Second Bank is made into private Corporation

    Jackson(despite efforts of Clay and Biddle) refuses to renew Bank's charter.
  • Specie Circular

    Determined that government lands be payed for in specie.
    Repealed in May 1838
  • Gag rule

    Placed to stop complaints from North over Southern destruction of Emancipation Propaganda being heard in Congress
  • Texas achieves Statehood

    Texas achieves Statehood
    As Polk is about to take over presidency Tyler and Calhoun accept Texas statehood.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Reaction to Polk's $2 million appropriation bill to buy territories from the Mexican war. Called for the ban of the spread of slavery into former Mexican territories. Wilmot was a Democrat and wanted to prove that the Northern Democrats were not going to acquiesce to Southern Slave Power Conspiracy. The Proviso was voted passed the House along Sectional lines. The Senate didn't pass it on the second round but the Appropriations bill passed at $3 million
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    Gen.Taylor invades Mexico up to Rio Grande. Gen. Scott captures Mexico City and Treaty is signed
  • California Gold Rush

    As population increases due to Gold Rush, Southerner Slave Owners unable to gain land
  • Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
    Mexico agrees to Rio grande border. Mexico cedes modern day Nevada, California, and Utah. Northerners feared the spread of Slavery in these territories, and Southern dominence in Congress. Hence the Wilmot Proviso
  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    California accepted as free state. Utah Territory ( modern day Utah and Nevada) and New Mexico territory (Modern day New Mexico and Arizona) to be decided by popular sovereignty. Texas Border decided. Fugitive Slave act to be strengthened. Slave Auction banned in Washington D.C. Henry Clay's last proposal. During Fillmore Presidency
  • Kansas-Nebraska act

    Kansas-Nebraska act
    Popular Sovreignity adopted for Kansas and Nebraska to decide slavery or freedom
  • Dred Scott Case

  • Harpers Ferry raid

    Abolisionist John Brown gains control of the Harpers Ferry armoury. He is apprehended and North tries to convince the public he was mad