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Animation- The History

  • First Animated Movie

    First Animated Movie
    El Apôstol The animated film "El Apôstol" was realeased in Argentina in 1917. It consisted of 58,000 frames and lasted 70 minutes. In the movie, two men used jupiter's rings to save Buenos Aires of corruption. It concluded with the city burning to the ground.
  • First TV Cartoon

    First TV Cartoon
    Crusader Rabbit Popular animator Jay Ward aired "Crusader Rabit" from 1948 to 1951 on NBC. It was first animated cartoon to be broadcasted on home televisons.
  • Longest Running Cartoon Show

    Longest Running Cartoon Show
    "Sandmännchen" is a children's bedtime show, originally airing with two versions in East and West Germany. The W. Germany version was canceled in 1991 (after the end of the cold war), but the East German show still airs today, after 51 years of broadcasting.
  • The Simpsons

    The Simpsons
    Emmy-Winning TV show "The SImpsons" first airs after 2 years of appearing on the "Tracey Ullman Show." Four Albums, six video games, 2 rides, and various comics have been made from the longest-running U.S. television show.
  • Computer Animated Film

    Computer Animated Film
    "Toy Story" was the first movie to be compeltely animated on a computer. It features Tom Hanks and Tim Allen, and music by Randy Newman. The plot is based on a child's toys who come to life every time he is not around.