Animal Testing

By HaleeL
  • Cruel Treatment of Cattle Act

    Britain passed this act to prevent cruel and unnecessary treatment of cattle.
  • Cruelty to Animals Act

    This act is introduced in the hopes of regulating animal testing.
  • Animal Testing begins

    Around the late ninteenth century is when animal testing first was brought up by Louis Pasteur.
  • Breakthrough

    When animal testing became allowed for insulin to be isolated from dogs.
  • Next up

    Modern anaesthetics and antibiotics were developed from the use of animal testing.
  • Continued

    People saw animal testing aiding in the development of vaccines.
  • An establishment

    Animal Legal Defence fund is established.
  • The peak

    Animal testing reaches a peak
  • P.E.TA

    (P) People fot the (E) Ethical (T) Treatment of (A) Animals is founded.
  • Movement

    Farm Animal Reform Movement is founded. (officially)
  • Protection Act

    Animal Enterprise Protection Act is passed.
  • Big step

    General Motors stops using live animals in crash tests.
  • Act is passed

    Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act is passed.
  • Attack on researchers

    A primate researcher at a university in the United States received numerous threats for the research he has conducted.
  • More attacks

    A bomb was placed under a researcher's car but fortunately, the bomb was faulty and nobody was injured.
  • Protest

    Protestors in surgical masks and suits spattered with fake blood gathered at the corner of Le Conte Avenue and Westwood Boulevard to protest animal research.