Civilizaciones mesoamericanas 2 e1564280345159


  • 1500 BCE

    The olmecas.

    The olmecas.
    They were the first great civilization of the region, between 1500 a. C. and 300 d. They stood out for the buildings, the colossal heads carved in stone, the calendar and the bases of the writing.
  • 1200 BCE

    The Toltecs.

    The Toltecs.
    They reached their apogee between 900 AD. C. and 1200 d. C. They carried out commercial exchanges in which the cocoa bean was used as a “means of payment”. They developed great skills for warfare.
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    The Zapotecs.

    The Zapotecs.
    They were one of the first populations of Mesoamerica established in the south of the present country of Mexico, a region of extensive valleys that was very suitable for agriculture.
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    The Mayans.

    The Mayans.
    They developed great knowledge of mathematics, astrology, and writing. They were governed by a social group of priests under a strict and pyramidal social structure.
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    The Teotihuacanos

    The Teotihuacanos
    They developed sophisticated techniques in art. The ceramics included geometric paintings and images of gods, also captured on large buildings to decorate them.
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    The Aztecs or Mexica

    The Aztecs or Mexica
    They developed great palaces, temples, and markets. They managed to expand their territory under the rule of an authoritarian monarchy that housed a population of almost seven million inhabitants.
  • 950

    The Mixtecs.

    The Mixtecs.
    They reached their maximum splendor between 950 AD. C. and 1521 d. C. with a great quantity of city-states under its dominion. They stood out for being among the best artisans in Mesoamerica.