Ancient Astronomers

  • Period: 276 BCE to 194 BCE


    Eratosthenes made the fist measurements of Earth that were not far off from the actual measurements.
  • 150


    Ptolemy made his prediction of a geocentric model of the solar system and he discovered that the planets move in epicycles. Which helped us get closer to figuring out how planets move.
  • 1514


    Copernicus came up with heliocentric model of solar system meaning the sun was in the center of our solar system. This was huge at the time because the Earth center model was popular. The heliocentric model was not only right but would go on to help other great minds to come.
  • Period: 1546 to


    Brahe built amazing instruments for his time but he believed the sun center model of our solar system. The best thing he ever did was give his work to Kepler
  • Period: to


    Kepler with the work of Brahe came up with the three laws of planetary motion 1.The planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at a focus. 2.In their orbits around the sun, the planets sweep out equal areas in equal times. 3.The squares of the times to complete one orbit are proportional to the cubes of the average distances from the sun.
  • Newton

    I'm going to start off by saying Newton is one of the most important people in science. He came up with the laws of motion and put them in his book Principia. The laws of motion helped Newton come up with Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. Which help scientists still to this day. He is one one of the largest helps to modern science.
  • Period: to


    In 1905Einstein published five papers three were groundbreaking The first was on the motion of particles suspended in liquid.His second paper was on the photoelectric effect,or the release of electrons from metal when light shines on it.Last and perhaps most famous,Einstein published his special theory of relativity in this he uses the famous E=mc2.He also signed a letter sent to FDR that helped get the atomic bomb made.Einstein did not only make a lasting impression on science but on the world.