Anasofia Arango

By lmkmath
  • 1500 BCE

    Symbolic Algebra

    During this time the development of symbols to represent operations was created during this time. The common symbols created, that we are still using constantly today include the plus sign for addition,the minus sign for subtraction,the times sign for multiplication,and the division sign for division.
  • 100 BCE

    Chinese Algebra Writing

    Before the Chinese wrote the Babylonians were figuring out quantities and using variables and formulas to create equations. Then the Chinese began writing their own theories and opinions on the equations and formulas for algebra.
  • 598


    He was known for creating rules when encountering zero,negative numbers,and positive numbers. He also evaluated negative roots of quadratic equations and the solutions of those equations with two unknown variables or unknown numbers.
  • 800

    Arabic Scholars.

    The Arabic Scholars used their language to describe algebra terms that have been passed on that we are still using and being taught to used in our vocabulary today.
  • 800

    Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi

    What he created during the medieval times was he used the Indian numbers and he used the alphabet to represent numbers in equations. He was also responsible for using decimal notations and being the first to use numeration by position.
  • 1070

    Omar Khayyam

    Omar created the foundations of algebraic geometry and found the solutions to cubic equations. He created a book that demonstrates algebraic equations,due to his ideas then was passed on important principles through to Europe.
  • 1425


    Madhava used different series of fractions to determine the exact formula to solve “pie” he also used a formula called the sine formula and trigonometric functions that played a very important role in the development of calculus.
  • 1510

    Robert Recorde

    Robert was responsible for creating the equal sign that is used in an equation to represent the solution to an equation. Robert also published a book called “The Grounde of Artes”,which was his first book about algebra. He then published another book called “ The Whetstone of Witte” which introduced his creation of the equal sign.
  • 1540

    Françoise Vièta

    From the rules and ideas of Al-Khwarizmi to solve different types of algebraic problems,then developed the idea by Françoise that the use of letters like “x” was to stand for different sets of numbers.
  • French Philosophy

    The development that took place in the 9th century of the symbols of unknown quantities and ideas of algebraic powers and operations. Due to this development a French philosopher created a book based on this important development called “Book III of La géometrie” and he explained rules and theories on true and false numbers or how we say it today positive and negative numbers.