An Overview of America

  • Jamestown Settlement

    Jamestown Settlement
    The Jamestown Settlement was established from 1607-1624. Different Captains of the English military took to going to New England in order to establish a new colony. After the death of many people and conflict with the Indians already living there, the colony was moved away from Jamestown. This was around the constant exploration and competition of Europeans in North America.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Also known as the Indian Removal, the Trail of Tears was the force migration of several natives from the United States onto reservations. It was around the time of heavy exploration, as well as mass genocide of several native tribes. Several Natives died of famine and harsh conditions, making this a very harsh time for that specific group of people.
  • Women's Suffrage Movement

    Women's Suffrage Movement
    The suffrage movement was a woman's rights movement that spanned from 1849-1920. The movement starts with Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton holding the very first women's convention, in retaliation to being denied to attend a separate event that was meant for everybody. This sparked many years of women holding protests, events, etc in order to fight for women's right. This is the reason why women are allowed to vote and allowed to be more than just stay at home moms.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War was between two sides of America, the Union and the southern states. The main foundation of the war was slavery, where the Union was against it and the southern states were for it. The southern states relied on slaves to keep their economic value at a high level. In the end, The Union won and slavery was abolished all across America.
  • The Assasination of Abraham Lincoln

    The Assasination of Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was the 16th US president, and his presidency was cut short due to his inevitable assassination. He was the one to lead the Union in the Civil War, eventually achieving a win and abolishing slavery. In 1865, Lincoln was assassinated while watching a play in a public area.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The great depression was a global famine that started in the 30s. It was primarily an economic issue, where majority of the countries in the world had a devastating crash that resulted in nationwide poverty.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    World War 2 was a war that was started in 1939. The main people who were in it were the countries that were taken over by Nazis and the United States. It also involved majority of the biggest world powers, attempting to stop the spread of Nazism. The Nazi Party was started by Adolf Hitler, as a form of eugenics in favor of pure German people. It caused a huge genocide and sparked the biggest war known to mankind.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The cold war was a prolonged area of tension between the US and the soviet union. It's referred to as the cold war because neither side actually physically fought in a war against each other. It was a huge issue between capitalism vs communism.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was a war that started in the 50s. Vietnam was split in two, North Vietnam occupied by communist individuals and South Vietnam under French authority. Constant tension between the two sides of Vietnam break out into all-out war. The United States ends up getting involved out of fear of communism spreading globally. The Vietnam War was described as the most devastating war in US history, and the cause of an abundance of anti-war propaganda.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    Just like women, black people were also experiencing large amounts of discrimination socially, politically, and economically. The Suffrage movement actually sparked inspiration for the Civil Rights movement. The Civil Rights movement consisted of different leaders (MLK, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, etc.) fighting for better conditions of black people. The only thing black people had earned at this point was freedom for slavery, but more was attempting to be achieved.