Amos Fortune Timeline

  • At-mun's Birth Year

    At-mun's Birth Year
    At-mun was born free in Africa, 1710.
  • The Tragedy

    The Tragedy
    At-mun's tribe got taken away by 3 whites.
  • At-mun Get's Bought in Boston

    At-mun Get's Bought in Boston
    At-mun was bought by Caleb Copeland. At-mun's name is now Amos.
  • Amos is Learning

    Amos is Learning
    Celia is teaching Amos how to speak English and how to read.
  • Amos is Becoming a Tanner

    Amos is Becoming a Tanner
    Caleb Copeland was teaching Amos to be a tanner. Amos gradually got stronger and stronger.
  • Caleb Dies

    Caleb Dies
    So Caleb dies and Mrs.Copeland gave the tannery to Amos and now Amos has to go to an auction to be sold.
  • Amos goes with Ichabod

    Amos goes with Ichabod
    Amos's new owner is Ichabod. He was good to Amos.
  • Ichabod Dies

    Ichabod Dies
    Ichabod dies and now Amos has his freedom.
  • Amos is Free

    Amos is Free
    After Ichabod died, Amos gained freedom. He inherited Ichabod's tannery.
  • Amos Buys Lily

    Amos Buys Lily
    Lily was a slave and was usually ill. Amos bought her in return for marriage.
  • Lily Dies

    Lily Dies
    Lily got sick and died. Amos's intention was so that she could die free and for her to be happy.
  • Amos Buys Lydia

    Amos Buys Lydia
    Lydia has a limp leg and she's sick.
  • Lydia and Amos Get Married

    Lydia and Amos Get Married
    After Amos buys Lydia they get married
  • Lydia Dies

    Lydia Dies
    Lydia got even more sick and she passed away. Amos was happy she died free.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    On a December day in 1773, tea was dumped at the Boston Harbor.
  • Amos Buys Violet and Celyndia

    Amos Buys Violet and Celyndia
    Amos buys Violet and she has a four year old daughter named Celyndia.
  • Amos and Violet Get Married

    Amos and Violet Get Married
    After Amos and Violet get married they live a good life.
  • They Move to Keene New Hampshire

    They Move to Keene New Hampshire
    Before Amos moved to Keene, he decided to wonder around. He called it perfect.
  • Amos and Violet are Living a Good Life

    Amos and Violet are Living a Good Life
    Amos and Violet are running their tanning business and are living a good life. Eventually Amos asks Deacon Spafford wright his will and gives $100 to the church and the rest of his money to the school. He died soon after, Violet died the year after he died. You can still see the school and his tombstone in Keene, New Hampshire