Love music hate racism

American Studies Final: Racism for music genre


    The ASCAP was the American Society of Composers it was founded in the year 1914 by Victor Herbert. It’s host composers, songwriters, lyricists and music publishers.The ASCAP would only get radio stations to play songs that the people wanted.This meaning that certain performers weren’t making the money meaning they needed to change the genre they were performing or they weren’t getting money.
  • “The Legend” Deford Bailey

    “The Legend” Deford Bailey
    Deford Bailey was the start of the “hillbilly” genre of music He was an African-American from Tennessee. He became an esteemed musician. He played the harmonica, guitar and banjo. With his harmonica he made music sound beautiful. He poured everything he had into his music. Deford had a huge hit the Grand Ole Opry that took off. Following this the in the 1930’s ASCAP asked Deford to change the style of his music to “fit in” with his “new” race.
  • Jimmie Rodgers “The father Of Country”

    Jimmie Rodgers “The father Of Country”
    He had plans to head to New York under contract to produce a dozen more records. Even though he passed away young his legacy still lives. Being known as the Blue Yodeler, the singing brakeman and the father of country music. His music came from the heart and had stories behind the, His music had a heavy dependence on African- American blues and jazz is what shaped country music.
  • Marian Anderson

    Marian Anderson
    Marian Anderson was a really successful musician and performer. When the manager tried to set up a performance at Washington, D.C’s constitution Hall. there was a policy in place that committed the hall to only being a place strictly for white performs. Finally Eleanor Roosevelt took this into her own hand and had Anderson reform on the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday.
  • Music Stolen (black to white)

    Music Stolen (black to white)
    In 1963 the song "He's so Fine," which was written by Ronald Mack and recorded by Chiffons and then in 1970 George Harrison first solo recording and number 1 hit. "My Sweet Lord" which was based on the exact song. These African Americans wrote this song and a white artist stole it. 2I#action=share
  • Ralph Peer started Victor Records

    Ralph Peer started Victor Records
    Ralph Peer approached Victor Records in 1926. He had a plan to expand its hillbilly business. According to him he says. “This is a business of recording new copyrights. I am willing to go to work for nothing with the understanding that there would be no problem if I controlled these copyrights.” Later on he stated, “I am still going to try to get away from hillbilly and into the legitimate music field.’ The fall our of the “hillbilly” genre not being recognized had just begun.
  • Congress Passes Resolution "Birthplace of Country"

    Congress Passes Resolution "Birthplace of Country"
    In 1998 the U.S Congress recognized Bristol’s contribution to music history. Bristol was the start of the appalachian mountain folk music and started many of the fiddle tunes because of the popular names like Deford Bailey or Jimmie Rodgers. This is where the music industry started and evolved from.
  • Dwight Quick

    Dwight Quick
    Dwight Quick was a hidden face of the country. He had the acoustic guitar and the outlaw twang in his voice. He played at a lounge bar in Nashville And was in fact the only black man in the room. Dwight's says “Black people have always sung country music. Just because we're black doesn’t mean all we listen to is rap, gospel, blues and Jazz.” Country music is the most racist of all genre and it all started from the color that seems to keep getting kicked out or questioned for it.
  • The Hidden Mix

    The Hidden Mix
    The book was published in 2013 it is made of scholarly essays. It is based around the myth that country is “white” music. The is a large myth .This book was published to inform America on Country’s history from the early start of country covering DeFord Bailey and Ray Charles, It brings up the COuntry music’s controversy of interrogation and how country has been denigrated as racist.
  • VMA's

    Anaconda had an unbelievable impact, but it was only nominated for 2 awards missing out on Best Music Video of the Year category. Nicki took this into her own hands and wrote a tweet stating if it was a different "kind" of artist, Anaconda would have been nominated for best choreo and video of the year as well. Nicki wasn’t denied the award for not being good enough but because her black body deviates from the Caucasian beauty standards.She dared to own her own culture and society overlook it.
  • Beyonces' "Daddy Lessons"

    Beyonces' "Daddy Lessons"
    There is a song "Daddy Lesson's" in Beyonces new album.People are all of a sudden thinking she moved back to Nashville and has announced she is all of a sudden a country artist.According to Beyonce she is “playing tribute to her home state and her identity as a an African descent” People have yet to realize country music came from black voices they have just been silenced or forgotten