American Revolution~McCoy

  • Choosing Sides

    People who sided with Britian which were the loylist didn't think of unfair taxes and laws.Patroits supported the wars that had happended or was going to happen.They believed that colonist should have the right to govern themselves.The American Revolution wasn't just a war for British ad America i was also for the Loyalists and Patroits.
  • The French nd Indian War

    "The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War. The
    French received all land from the Mississippi River west, while the British received all land from the Mississippi River east.King George the third kept coloinst from moving past te Applichian Mountains.The British want to keep Native Americians safe.10,000 troops sent on a mission to maintain the troops.
  • Sugar Act

    Parliament lowerd the tax on sugar in hopes that the colonist would stop the smuggling.The new laws violated the colonist rights,Trial By Jury,Innocent until Guility and Secure in the home/possessions.James Otis a boston lawyer states on page 114 "colonist can't be taxed without represenitives.
  • Stamp Act

    Patrick Henry and the Virginia House of Burgess passed a resolution that "colonist were the only one to create/collect taxes."Samuel Adams and Sons of Liberty burnt effigies on tax collectors they didn't like in Colonialist leaders worked to gather and in October all nine colonies came to New York at the Stamp Act and they wrote and sent statements to the parliament and the king saying the they only wanted colonial assembles to tax the colonist.
  • TownShed Act

    1767 parlament enacted the townshend act which taxed imported goods before entering the,tea,paper.Daughters of Liken and colonist were angry about the tax.Daughters of Linken boycotted British fabric in protest and used local fabric instead.
  • Spreading The News

    Propaganda ideas or information intentionally spread to harm or help a cause.Committee of correspondence an organization that spread political ideas and information through the colonies.The Boston Massacre led colonist to call for stronger boycotts of British Goods.Samuel Adams revived the Boston committee of correspondence, group used in earlier protest.
  • Tea Party

    The British East Indian company was viral to the British Economy for them to save their company and protect the British Economy the Parliament Pass the Tea Act they had to go threw.The Tea Act removed some but not all of the Tea Taxes that was made.They didn't want to pay the taxes that they was suppose to and they also didn't want to be told what tea they could buy.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    1774 contineal congress agreed to meet again if the British didn't address complaints.Lexigtion and Concord in 1775 should dispite between British and colonies had worsened.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Boston Tea Party reach London the king started to realize that British was losing control of the colony.1774 the Paraliment respond and pass the laws that were called Coerciue Act laws were there so they could punish the colonist.Another meeting in Boston Harbor for them to pay for the runied tea.Other colonies start to send food and clothes for them to help Boston.Colonist believed that the laws violated there English Rights.They expressed the feeling and called it the Intolerabe Act.
  • Great Britian Send Troops

    King George sent to parlaiment that colonies from new England said they are in a state of rebillion.Thomas Gage sent 700 troops under Lieherent Colonial Forcces.April 1775 servl thousands British troops were n and around Boston.
  • The British On The move

    April 18,1775 protest leader Dr,Joseph Warren walked through Boston.Warren alerted Paul Revere and William Dawes and also members of the Sons Of Libertys.Samuel Adams was read to fight in the morning.British patrol captured Dawes and Rever and aother one sent warning to Concord.
  • Fighting Begins

    Colonist believed that if fighting was about to happen with the British then it would have to take plae in New England.Militians in Massachuttes held drills,made bullets and stockpield weapons.Militansare known for minutemen because they would be ready to fight in a minute notice.1774-1775 in winter British officers stationed in Boston noted in his diary.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Redcoats approched Lexigtion at dawn while the British continued to March.There captin John Parker stood at the town comman with the muskets in both hands.The british marched along to Concord they burned weapons that they found burried some o the other men continued and met other minutemen waiting on the at the North Bridge.60 years later Ralph Waldo Emerson the poet wrote "The Concord Hymn"he wrote that americans at Lexigtion and Concord fired a shot and people heard around world.
  • More Military Action

    The Lexigtion and COncord battke conflicted the British forces spread as quickly.Benedict Amold the captian in Connecticut Militia raise 400 to seize Fort Ticonderoga near Lake Champlin in New York.Arnold learned they planned to attack the fort.Arnolf joined forces with Allen and a group called the Green Mountain Boys.The Fort Ticonderoga was surrendered on May 10,1775 September 1780 he fled British control New York CIty.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    Lexigtion and Concord volunteers joined the colonial militian.Militia around Boston numbered 20,000 strong.June 16,1775 milita commanded by coloniel William Prescott to set up pose on Bunker Hill and Breeds's Hill across habor from Boston.The Battle of Breed's Hill became name The Battle of Bunker Hill.
  • 1776 - Jefferson write the DOI

    1776 - Jefferson write the DOI
    Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence and then John Adamas made 86 more changes to the Declaration of Independnce.Benjamin Franklin and more people in the commitee want to draft the document and also by congress.
  • 1776 - Battles of Trent and New Jersey

    1776 - Battles of Trent and New Jersey
    The Continental Army had suffered from some defeats when they were in New York.The U.S did take the victory
  • 1777 - American and British Battle of Saratoga

    1777 - American and British Battle of Saratoga
    Saratoga gave the Americans a victory and in the American Revolutionary War.
  • 1778 - Winter at Valley Forge

    1778 - Winter at Valley Forge
    They had 11,000 army men stationed at Valley Forge and it says that it was a serve winter and they had a great trial.Hundreds of them had got a disease and they began to die,but they didn't give up at the end of the day because they had the General Washigton by there side all along .
  • 1777 - Howe captures Philadelphia

    1777 - Howe captures Philadelphia
    General Washigtion placed 11,000 men between Howe and Pennsylvania.But all 11,000 men were outmanuried and they just drove back to where they cam from which was the Battle of Brandywine.They had to deal with casualities,and the Brititsh lost half of what the other people had.
  • 1777 - Articles of Confederation

    1777 -  Articles of Confederation
    The Continental Congress adopted the Article of Confederation and also the first constitution of United States.The Articles created a loose confederation and of a soverign state and a weak central goverment and there wasn't lots of power left with the state goverment.
  • 1778 - Congress prohibits enslaved people imported to the US

    1778 - Congress prohibits enslaved people imported to the US
    None of the new slaves were allowed to be imported to the United States.But the old slaves were allowed to be imported over to the United States.
  • 1779 Spain Declares war on Great Britain

    1779 Spain Declares war on Great Britain
    There was a de fact alliance with the Americans and the King of Spain when Spain declared.The King Charles the 3rd didnt consent to atreaty of alliance with the United States.
  • 1780 - British forces capture Charles Town

    1780 - British forces capture Charles Town
    Benjamin Frankilin and more people took all there 10,000 army group and went to capture Charleston Town
  • 1781 British surrender at Yorktown

    1781 British surrender at Yorktown
    The British Surrendered the Yorktown,It eneded major land operations in North America.
  • 1783 Treaty of Paris

    1783 Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was the official peace of the United States and the Britiths that ended the American Revolutionary War.The Congress of the Confederation ratified the treaty on January 14, 1784.
  • 1784 - Spain closed lower Mississippi River to American Western Settlers

    1784 - Spain closed lower Mississippi River to American Western Settlers
    Spain controlled Florida and lands down by the west along the Mississippi River.Spain closed the Mississippi River because of the American trade shipping in 1784
  • 1785 The Ordinance of 1785

    1785 The Ordinance of 1785
    It was adopted by the United States Congress and it set up a standarized system where the settlers could purchase a title to farmalnd and the west.
  • The Colonial Militans

    Colonist had a long tradition of serving and protecting their communties in militians.Militian members was important each town's defense.They train and had drills with other soliders.They pratice using muskets nd also cannons.Tension between Britan and the colonies grew,towns began to gather and store military supplies.
  • 1787 - Shay's Rebellion

    1787 - Shay's Rebellion
    It was armed and it was unsurprising in Massachusetts and in 1786 it was also surprising in Springfield .Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays led four thousand rebels led them in economic and civil rights injustices to protest against.
  • May of 1787 - Convention

    May of 1787 - Convention
    May 1787, was officially called for by the old Congress solely to remedy defects in the Articles of Confederation
  • 1787-The North West Ordinance

    1787-The North West Ordinance
    It was a organic act of congress of The Confederation,it was created by the North West territory.It was made past the land of the Appalachian Mountains it was south of the Ohio River.
  • June 21st of '88 - New Hampshire ratifies Constitution

    June 21st of '88 - New Hampshire  ratifies Constitution
    New Hampshire ratified the U.S Constitution,New Hampshire became the 19th necessary state of the 13 colonies and the constitution became the organic law of land.
  • 1800-Land Act of 1800

    1800-Land Act of 1800
    The United States Congress passed the Land Act of 1804 to create terms for the sale of federal lands in Ohio.Harrison Land Act of 1800, which applied to federal land in the Northwest Territory.
  • Crisis In Boston

    The British East Indian company was viral to the British Economy for them to save their company and protect the British Economy the Parliament Pass the Tea Act they had to go threw.The Tea Act removed some but not all of the Tea Taxes that was made.They didn't want to pay the taxes that they was suppose to and they also didn't want to be told what tea they could buy.
  • Sept 17th of '87 - Singing of the Constitution

    Sept 17th of '87 - Singing of the Constitution
    The signing of the constitution took place in the Independence Hall of Philadelphia.39 delegates to the Constitutional Convention, representing 12 states
  • Dec 7th of '87 - Delaware fist state to approve Constitution

    Dec 7th of '87 - Delaware fist state to approve Constitution
    It took 10 months for them to approve the constitution and it was a unanimous vote 30-0