American revolution

By Iman224
  • Passage of the stamp act

    Passage of the stamp act
    “The Stamp Act of 1765 was the first internal tax levied directly on American colonists by the British Parliament. Parliament passed the Stamp Act on March 22, 1765.”
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    “The Boston Massacre occurred on March 5, 1770 when British soldiers in Boston opened fire on a group of American colonists killing five men. Prior to the Boston Massacre the British had instituted a number of new taxes on the American colonies including taxes on tea, glass, paper, paint, and lead.“
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    “The Boston Tea Party was a political protest that occurred on December 16, 1773, at Griffin's Wharf in Boston, Massachusetts. American colonists, frustrated and angry at Britain for imposing “taxation without representation,” dumped 342 chests of tea, imported by the British East India Company into the harbor.”
  • British rule

    British rule
    “The Continental Congress was the governing body by which the American colonial governments coordinated their resistance to British rule during the first two years of the American Revolution. ... The Congress first met in Philadelphia on September 5, 1774, with delegates from each of the 13 colonies except Georgia.”
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    “The Declaration of Independence, 1776. By issuing the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, the 13 American colonies severed their political connections to Great Britain. The Declaration summarized the colonists' motivations for seeking independence.”
  • The most important battle of the Revolutionary War

    The most important battle of the Revolutionary War
    “On September 28, 1781, General George Washington, commanding a force of 17,000 French and Continental troops, begins the siege known as the Battle of Yorktown against British General Lord Charles Cornwallis and a contingent of 9,000 British troops at Yorktown, Virginia, in the most important battle of the Revolutionary War.”
  • Preliminary peace terms

    Preliminary peace terms
    “British and American negotiators in Paris signed preliminary peace terms in Paris late that November, and on September 3, 1783, Great Britain formally recognized the independence of the United States in the Treaty of Paris.”
  • America’s National government

    America’s National government
    “The Constitution of the United States established America's national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens. It was signed on September 17, 1787, by delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.”