American Revolution

  • Period: to

    Amrican Revoultion

  • Stamp Act and Protest

    Stamp Act and Protest
    The Stamp Act was an act that put taxes on many different goods such as deeds, newspapers, licenses, dice, playing cards ect. This tax was the first direct tax that the Brithish had placed on the Colonies. Due to the Stamp Act, theColonists began protests. In Vrignia, the House of Burgesses passed a couple of resolutions stating that Vriginans had the rights of Brithish people and could only be taxed by thier own representatives.
  • Gaspee Affair

    Gaspee Affair
    On June 9,1772 a ship was on its way to Providence. The ship got stuck in shallow water. These ships where sent by the British to patrol North Amrican waters. The captain of the ship was not liked in this part of Rode Island becuase the captian would send his crew on shore and on boats to take food with out paying for it. Soon after the news spread about the ship being stuck on shore Colonists seized and burned the ship. This angered the British so the British decided to invesigate on it.
  • Committees of Correspondence

    Committees of Correspondence
    The Committees of Correspondence where groups formed through out the Colonies planning actions against Britain. They represented the leading men in each Colony. They organized Boycots and Stamp Act Congress.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    On the evening of December 16th, a group of people named 'Sons of Liberty" whent to Boston harbor, Dressed as Indians and went onto British ships and dumped all of the tea into the harbor. The colonists did this because of their anger of the Tea Act that was recently passed by the British.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    The Quebec Act was an act that said any governor and council that was chosien by the kig could run Quebec
  • The First Contiental Congress

    The First Contiental Congress
    The First Continental Congress was held in Carpenters Hall in Philadelphia and met there from September 5, to October 26,1774. Every state except Georgia elected someone to represent them in Congress. The people of each state would vote. In these meetings they would disscuss their thoughts about Britain mainly the Intolerable Acts. They wanted to look like united colonies to Britain and it's goverment. One of their goals was to compose a statement of colonial rights
  • Coercive Acts

    Coercive Acts
    The Coercive Acts were four new laws made by Parliament to punish Massachusetts & have everyone obey British laws. The first law was the Boston harbor shut down until Colonists paid for all the tea they dumped in the harbor. The next law was each judge and sheriff, council member had to chosen by the govener. The third law was Brish soliders were allowed to transfer trials to britain instead of trials in the colonies. The last law was officials had to provide Briitsh soilders with lodging
  • Paul Revers Ride

    Paul Revers Ride
    One night a man named Paul Rever was sent by Dr. Joseph Warren to ride to Lexington Mass to tell Sam Adams and John Hancock that British trops where going to arrest them. Paul Rever also had the help of a group of people called "Sons of Liberty" who would infoarm him if the British would come across the Charles River in Cambrige or would be ariving by foot at the neck of Boston. There would be one lattern hung up at Christ Church if they arived by land, and two latterns by sea
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    When the Brithish soldiers arrived in Lexington. They were met by Captin Jonas Parker plus 75 Minutemen. The Minutemen where out numberd. They excaheged fire and eight Minutemen where killed and ten outhers were injuerd. As Paul Rever was going to Concord he was captured but outher messengers where able to get there and warn people. Towns people of Concord moved wepends and amuntion into hiding places before the Britsh could arive
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    The second Continental Congress met in the State house in Philadelphia. There where new delegates there like John Handcock who represtied Massachutes, Thomas Jefferson who represtied Vriginia and Benjamin Franklin who represted Pennsylvania. In there meating they Elected George Wahington as Commander in Chief of the Continental Arnry
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought on Breed's Hill. The Colonists had heard of the British plans to atack Bunker Hill so they sent over 1600 patriots to set up fortifications on Breeds Hill. But when General Howe arived with 2,600 Britsh soliders and a warship they knew they were out numbered. The Colonist proved to be strong by holding off the Britishfor a long time, killing 226 and injuring 828 but lost bunker Hill.
  • George Wahington Appointed general

    George  Wahington Appointed general
    Geroge Washington was named genral of the Continental army
  • Olive Branch Pettion

    Olive Branch Pettion
    The Olive Brach Pettion was a document writen by John Dickinson. The Continental Congress deisided to send this document To the Kin and it stated that the Colinest where still with Briten and still where loyal but they wanted to fight but insted work out there problums peacsfully. But that was not every ones idea A group of Rdical delegates of Congress perswaed Congress to send trops to atack British tropps in Quibec
  • Proclamation for Suppressing Rebellion and Sedition

    Proclamation for Suppressing Rebellion and Sedition
    The Americans attacked Quebec and the captured Montreal. The Olive Branch Petition arrived in England, but King George refused to look at it. Instead, he issued this Proclamation to state that the Colonies were now officially enemies.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    Common Sense was a document writtren by Thomas Paine which said that the Colonise should brake free from Britten and become there own country and rule them selfs. Colonise's soon whent to there state reprsitives and asked them to reprstient them in Contiental Congress. Common Sense led to the makeing of the Declaration of Independence shortly after.
  • Brithish Evacate Boston

    Brithish Evacate Boston
    After the Battel of Lexington and Concord the colonists had the british surounded. Even thought the colonists lossed the battle of Bunker Hill, The British losed the majorty of there troops. The colonists had fifty canons at the top of Dorchester Height and had them amied at British ships in Boston Harbor. But the nexst morning the Britsh genral saw the canons and he got all of his troops on the ship and set sail to Canada
  • Writing of Declaration

    Writing of Declaration
    Continetal Congress had a meeting to desucus indpeneds for the Colonies. They selected a commitee to draft a doument to declare indpendence. They chose John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman and Thomas Jefferson to write it. They gave there final draft to the Continental Congress on June 28th.
  • Deceration of Indpendence

    Deceration of Indpendence
    The Deceration of Indpendence was writen between June 11 and June 28 1776 And was Publised on July 4th 1776. This documents made it offical that the Colinies are free from Briten and will become there own contry named the United States of Amrica. This was the start of the Amrican Revoution
  • British Pulled out of Vrigina

    British  Pulled out of Vrigina
    On September 28, 1781 The colonits and french surrounded Yourktown and started actacking. and on October 14 Alexander Hamilton and Geroge Washington atcked and helped British defences. Then three days lator they captured Cornwallis.