Borsig steam locomotive

American Industrialization and Urbanization

  • Bessemer Steel Process

    Bessemer Steel Process
    The process by which iron is truned into steel, patened by Henry Bessemer. The invention of steel led way to the creation of larger, taller cities. Andrew Carnagie capitolized on this process.
  • The Great Railroad Strike

    The Great Railroad Strike
    For the second time, wages had been cut for workers on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (B&O) causing rail workers to strike. The movement began in Martinsburg, WV and eventually spread east toward Cumberland, MD and west to Chicago, IL. Federal troops were called in to end the strike.
  • New York City installs first permanent comercial central power system

    New York City installs first permanent comercial central power system
    Edison opens the Pearl Street Power Station in Manhattan. This station provided electricity to 85 residents within a square mile.
  • Standard Oil Trust is formed

    Standard Oil Trust is formed
    Begun by John D. Rockefeller, Standard Oil was the largest oil reiner in the world. It was the first and largest multinational corporation until 1911 when the Supreme Court ruled that Standard Oil was infact a monopoly.
  • Invention of Fully Automatic Machine Gun

    Invention of Fully Automatic Machine Gun
    Hiram Maxim invents the first fully atutomatic, portable machine gun, the Maxim Gun. This invention changes the course of war and the world for the rest of time.
  • Congress passes Sherman Antitrust Act

    Congress passes Sherman Antitrust Act
    Named after Senator John Sherman of Ohio, the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was the first step taken by the Federal Government to end trusts. The objective of this act was to allow Congress to regulate interstate commerce.
  • Silver Purchase Act

    Silver Purchase Act
    Increased the amount of silver the US government had to purchase to cause inflation. Printing money instead of using silver currency would allow farmers to establish some wealth.
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    Wounded Knee Massacre at Pine Ridge Reservation, SD which led to the death of Sitting Bull
  • Ellis Island is opened

    Ellis Island is opened
    The nation's busiest immigrant inspection was opened in 1892. It belongs to both NY and NJ.
  • The Royal Ponciana Hotel Opens

    The Royal Ponciana Hotel Opens
    Henry Flagler opens the first hotel in Southeast Florida. With this first hotel, a path for tourism in South Florida is paved
  • Boston opens America's first subway system

    Boston opens America's first subway system
    Orginially intended to help with traffic flow by moving street cars underground, Boston opened the first American subway system. Today, Boston's Tremont St. tunnel is the oldest in the country.
  • Hepburn Act

    Hepburn Act
    A 1906 bill that allowed the Interstate Commerce Commission to set maximum railroad rates. This passed the power over the rails to those shipping goods instead of railroad owners
  • Immigration to US reaches and all time high

    Immigration to US reaches and all time high
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    Beginning in 1910 southern blacks move north to cities such as Detroit, Pittsburgh, and Cleveland in search of work. This migration led to the rise of African American communities in the North.
  • Child Labor

    Child Labor
    Over 2 million children under the age of 15 were employed in factories, mills, and plants. The conditions were horrible