American History II Honors

  • The Chinese Exclusion Act

    Prohibited Chinese labor immigration for 10 years
  • Pendleton Act of 1883

    Set up civil service exams for public office. Passed by President Garfield.
  • Hawaii

    Hawaii became a US territory.A revolution was organized by John Stevens , US minister to Hawaii, and supported by Marines.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Teddy Roosevelt extended the Monroe Doctrine with his speech about American Power. The idea was the the US should be " the policemen of the Western Hemisphere '.
  • Period: to

    The Great Migration

    Black Americans moved northward for work. They faced prejudice from white workers who were afraid they would lose their jobs
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Signed at the end of WWI. New nations were created. Germany owed $337 bilion dollars for war damages.
  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

    Many were homeless, jobless ,and starving.
    Unemployment 25%
    Women lost their jobs because they believed men needed the job more.
  • McKinley Tariff

    Put a tax on all goods manufactured by a foreign country.