American History 1st Semester Review By Kendall L. and Ben Y.

By Grr
  • Tammany Hall 1786-1960

    Tammany Hall was a new york city political orginazation and democratic party political machine that played a major roll controlling new york city and state politics. It also helped immagrints, mostly the irish and became part of the democratic party.
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    Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny was a universal belief held by, and enacted by the United States. It stated that the USA was to expand and inhabit the entire contenent. Politicians would use this to justify expansion beyond the louisiana territory.
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    Industrialism Era

    The industrial revolution created the foundation and structure of a more advanced aandd modern industry in the United States. This time was crucial for America's survival in which it brought machines, steam engines, standardized ports, mass production, assembaly lines, and things such as steel. Industrialism made settlement of the trans-mississippi west possible.
  • Social Darwinism

    Social darwinism is an ideoligy of societythat was taken from charls darwin's theory of evolution between species. its a modern name gven to the various theorys of society, Ther entirety of this particular class of darwinism is contained in one sewntance: only the richest survive.
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    Progressive Era

    Progressivism was a political and social movement where one of the goals were to pureify the government by exposing corruption. They thought that this new, clean, way of running the goverrnment would inherit social justice and solutions to the social and political issues.
  • Imperialism

    This is the state of unballenced territorial claims, economic stability, or cultural segragation among nations. America and Europe were becoming extermely imperialistic. The contrys in europe were grabing as much land frome as many places as possible, resulting in china being forced into the "grab bag". the USA kept chinas sea pors open for trade, but that was also out of greed.
  • Muckrackers

    Socially aware journalists and other writers who dramatized the need for reform. Theodor Rosevelt agreed with most of what they had to say. He called them muckrackers because they had a tendancy to be drawn to the uglier side of things.
  • Robbert Barens

    Robbert Barens, a term used to describ a person most likely a business man who made tremndas money in the business industry. It was seen as insulting and implyed that the person used unfair buisness practeses and showed little sensitivity to the comon worker.
  • Teddy Rosevelt

    The 26th president of the united states. He is well known for negotiating the treaty between russia and japan, this also won him the nobel peace prize.
  • Upton Sinclair

    Upton Sinclair, an american author who wrote the jungle, a muckanking novel. its conditions in the US meat packing industry causing an uproar thought america witch contibuted to the pure food and drug act.
  • Militarism

    A pre-war process where the contry/state/province/terratory becomes more and more militaristic is labled as militarism. America and european contrys began this militaristic process, thus aiding in the start of WWI.
  • Nationalism

    Nationalism is a form of patriotism, just on steroids. this is one of the main reasons WWI happened. Each contry believed that it was better than all the rest. Over-confidence gets you no-where.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    President Woodrow Wilson wrote and promoted the treaty of versailles. He went on an 8,000 mile railroad tour trying to get the people to vote for the treaty.
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    In 1914 the assasination of frans ferdanand and his wife started an outbreak in Europe. With alliances allready inplace fron the triple entonce, this allowed the elaborate systems of alliances to come to play. Austria-hungry blamed serbia for the assasination, and on july 25 with aid from germany, they declared war on serbia. Within weeks, all the major european nations were at war, thus the offical start of "the great war"
  • Isolationism

    This is the policy of deciding not to join aliances, forign economic commitments, forign trade, international agreements, etc.The US isolated themselves from WWI untill 1917 when the US went to war.
  • Central powers

    The central powers came together to fight the alied powers durring WWI. They consisted of Germany, the Austria-Hungry Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria
  • Alied powers

    The allies of WWI came together many years before, and created the tripple entante. These allies consisted of France, the UK, and Russia (the USA would join the alliance in 1917).
  • Frans Frerdanand

    Arch duke Frans Ferdanand was assasinated by the Black Hand terrorist group. This was the WWI trigger.
  • Zimmerman Note

    The zimmerman note was the last straw for the US. It was a stratigical telegram from mexico to germany. It was intercepted and sent to president wilson and thus the USA entered the war.
  • Proabition

    This is the time where manufacturing, transporting, selling, and possessing alcohol and alcoholic beverages was illegal. The illegalization of alcohol didnt stop people from drinking, but made organized crime skyrocket.
  • Spanish American war

    The USA declaired war on spain after the sinking od the u.s.s. main in havana harbor. The US intervension on cuba was a major issue in the relations with spain.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    the Teapot Dome Scandal was a bribart incident that happened in the US durring the presidency of Warren G. Harding. Albert B. Fall, secretery of the interior was convicted of accepting bribes from oil companies.
  • Hawly-Smoot tariff act

    The Hawly-Smoot tariff act was an act sponsored by senator Reed Smoot and president Willis C. Hawly. This raised taxes on imported goods and eventually increased american exports.