American History 1942-1953

  • Japan loses ground

    American forces defeat the Japanese Navy at the battles of Midway and Coral Sea
  • Execute Order '66

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt executes Executive Order 9066, interring Japanese-American families in fear of espionage.
  • Out of Africa

    Allied Forces push the Axis armies out of the African Continent
  • The Big Three

    Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Franklin D. Roosevelt meet in Tehran to discuss the invasion of Germany
  • Gee I

    The GI bill is passed, granting benefits to soldiers and veterans.
  • Okinawa

    American troops capture the Japanese Island of Okinawa
  • "Now I Am Become Death"

    J. Robert Oppenheimer tests the first Nuclear bomb in Trinity, New Mexico
  • Harry S. Truman

    Harry S. Truman
    Harry S. Truman becomes the 33rd President of the United States after the death of Franklin Roosevelt.
  • The United Nations

    50 nations sign the United Nations Charter.
  • To Orbit

    The Soviet Union launches the first satellite, Sputnik I, into orbit.
  • Full Intergration

    The Federal government orders the full racial integration of its armed forces.
  • NATO

    The United States, along with Canada, England, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland, forms the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to oppose Communist spread in Europe.
  • Put It on my Card

    The first credit card is issued.
  • You got no Seoul

    North Korean forces are pushed out of the South Korean capital of Seoul by UN forces
  • Truce?

    Soviet officials propose a cease-fire between the Soviet-backed North Korean forces, and the American supported South Korean forces.
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Dwight D. Eisenhower
    Dwight D. Eisenhower is elected 34th President of the United States.
  • H-Bomb

    The United States tests the first Hydrogen-bomb. This would add fuel to the arms race between the Untied States and the Soviet Union, who tested their own H-Bomb in 1953
  • No more Stalin

    No more Stalin
    Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, dies.
  • Spies

    Julian and Ethel Rosenberg are tried and executed for being Russian spies.
  • Armistice

    An armistice is called between the nations of North Korea and South Korea.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    The United States Supreme Court decides that racial segregation is against the 14th Amenndment of the Constituiton. This ruling over turned the previous "separate but equal" ruling of Plessy v. Ferguson.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Russia responds to the creation of NATO with the formation of the Warsaw Pact, made up of Russia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and East Germany.
  • NASA Good

    NASA Good
    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is created.
  • Up Once Again

    The Soviet Luna 2 becomes the first man made object to reach the moon, putting the Soviet Union ahead in the space race.