american government timeline

  • 500

    ancient greece

    Athens, Greece created the first direct democracy. it gave voice for poor and rich
  • 550

    ancient Rome

    ancient Rome created the first republican governmet. They had a senate and a tribune.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    magna carta

    it was made because king John fought with the pope. it was also made because nobles rebelled against john
  • Mayflower Compact

    The mayflower compact made a government based on majority. Itwas a social contract in which the settlers agreed to follow the compact’s rules and regulations for the sake of survival
  • Thomas Hobbes

    He believed that people without a government had lives that were "nasty, brutish, ans short." He also believed that government was formed to protect people from themselves
  • John Locke

    He believed people were generally good. The purpose of government is to protect peoples natural rights.
  • English Bill of Rights

    The english bill of rights EXTREMELY limited monarch power.It also expanded individual rights.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    He thought the only "good" government was formed by the people. He also thougt all men were created equal, not just land owners.
  • Baron de montesquieu

    He porposed the seperation of powers. he said the system would guard against tyranny.
  • Voltaire

    Voltaire believed in the absolute value of freedom of speech. He also believes that men are made equal.
  • first continental congress

    delegates from 12 colonies(accept GA) met in philadelphia. They met for 2 months and sent a protest to king Goerge III and refused to trade with Great Britain until all taxes and regulations were repealed.
  • second continental congress

    Delegates from all 13 colonies meet. They all declare independants
  • declaration of independents

  • articles of confederation

    the articles of confederation was the first constitution of the united states. it left most of the power with state governments.
  • treaty of paris

    this treaty ended the revolutionary war. It also recognized American independence
  • shay's rebellion

    farmers led the rebellion. they rebelled because of taxes.
  • philadelphia convention(constitutional convention)

    This convention was a modified version of the articles of confederation. This convention gave more power to congress