Economical and Political Change in American History 1700-1812

  • Colonial Population

    Colonial Population
    Colonies Reached 250,000 in 1700, the demand for more worker was high. people needed work to feed their families, so workforce pushed the economy
  • Fur Trade

    Fur Trade
    Since the early contact between the European trader and Indians, fur trade proved to be very lucrative in Europe. French and Dutch first trader and later perfected by English especially in New York area.
  • Tobacco growing

    Tobacco growing
    Tobacco in the American colonies started early in Jamestown and later Virginia became the largest producer. Tobacco became a habit also in England among the elite society. Tobacco became an economic product for the colonies such as Maryland. Navigation Act affected its prices as well as over production.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Stono Rebellion
    Stono Rebellion is one of example of the resistance of the African slaves to their capture and the hardship they suffer in their labor and bad treatment as property. Not all African captured are unknown of just regular people in their home land, some are well known and even from royal families. Jeremy, the one who led the rebellion is one of those few.
  • Slavery

    Tobacco proved to be a labor intensive work, the need for labor always in demand, in addition to the indentured service, slavery brought to the colonies from the Caribbean. Then it became legal and a race based slavery.
  • Great Awakening and Enlightenment Movements

    Great Awakening and Enlightenment Movements
    Great Awakening is a Christianity religious revival, Enlightenment is more a way of living by opening the thinking. It shaped most of the revolutionaries thinking and ideas, which is later led to the calling for abolishment of slavery.
  • Sugar Act 1764

    Sugar Act 1764
    Sugar Act of 1764 intended counter the smuggling from French colonies in the Indies and bring the English colonies inline. The Act also made the violators to be tried without juries.
  • Stamp Act 1765

    Stamp Act 1765
    Stamp Act was an attempt from the Parliament to assert the authority of the British Government over the colonies. It is a tax for all printed papers or documents with the goal to collect revenue for the debt resulted from the French Indian war.
  • Tea Act 1773

    Tea Act 1773
    Parliament granted the British East India Company a monopoly on tea sales to the colonies to help its financial problem. Tax imposed on Tea on the colonies during Townshend Acts stayed after the repeal. That led to more opposition in Massachusetts and it was like a breaking point in the series of protests.
  • First Continental Congress Created 1774

    First Continental Congress Created 1774
    The first continental congress was created in Philadelphia in September of 1774 with representatives from all the thirteen colonies except Georgia on how to respond to the British government.
  • Thomas Paine's Common Sense 1776

    Thomas Paine's Common Sense 1776
    Thomas Paine wrote the common sense pamphlet arguing departure from the British Monarchy. His pamphlet had a great effect on the colonists as well as the leader of the Continental congress and it did help polarized the whole colonies for the independence.
  • Princeton New Jersey Battle 1777

    Princeton New Jersey Battle 1777
    George Washington as a commander of the continental army managed to secure a much needed victory over the British army in Princeton New Jersey with surprise attack on January 1777. It was a stroke of new strategic military tactics defied the conventional war tactics.
  • Yorktown, Virginia 1781

    Yorktown, Virginia 1781
    George Washington put a siege on Yorktown with his continental army and French allies against Cornwallis army. Cornwallis plans was foiled with the help of French ships from the French colony of Haiti and Washington troops prevent his escape on lands. Cornwallis did not have other choice than to surrender to Washington on October 1781.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    After its lose in Yorktown, British government saw no use of war with the American, so they chose to negotiate peace. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin led the American to the negotiation with the British for the treaty which recognized the United States independence and ended the war between the two nations.
  • Land Ordinance Issued 1785

    Land Ordinance Issued 1785
    Introduced by Thomas Jefferson, Land Ordinance was a series of directives for the Northwest lands. It surveys the lands in orderly fashion to avoid the system in the Ordinance of 1784, divided the lands into townships each is 36 sections of one mile square. The price is one Dollar per Acre. Another goal was to help in the financial crisis of the new nation however, this part did not work that well.
  • Shay's Rebellion 1786-1787

    Shay's Rebellion 1786-1787
    Shay's Rebellion came as a result of the devalued the paper money of the state. It happened in western Massachusetts of farmers protesting the financial hardships farming their lands and the banks demanding payments or their lands. Most of the participants are revolutionary veterans, Shay was singled out as its leader. Shay's rebellion significance is it help expedite the creation of the national government.
  • Philadelphia Convention (Constitution Convention) September 1787

    Philadelphia Convention (Constitution Convention) September 1787
    The original plan of Philadelphia plan was to discuss the amend of the Articles of Confederation however they proposed to discuss a new framework for the national government. After much debate between the delegates about the representations, the Connecticut compromise won the debate and the constitution signed.
  • George Washington the First President of the United States of America. 1789

    George Washington the First President of the United States of America. 1789
    George Washington became the first president of the United States of America
  • Bill of Rights 1791

    Bill of Rights 1791
    Bill of Right was designed to protect individuals against the government powers, same as the government has three branches to secure check and balance, Bill of Right act in the same way but for individuals. It was adopted in the constitution in December of 1791 as the first amendment to the constitution.
  • Revolution of 1800 1800

    Revolution of 1800 1800
    When John Adams lost the election of 1800 to Thomas Jefferson, some called this a revolution since the two men came from a different parties; John Adams is known as a federalist who believes in strong government while Jefferson believe in the power of people.