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America's Ascent Out Of Isolationism

  • America's Extreme Industrial Growth

    America's Extreme Industrial Growth
    The US was at first largely agricultural, but before long, thanks to hard workers, abundant resources, and intelligent inventors, our country evolve. One of the factors involved in the United States' evolution was immigrants, the US allowed all kinds of people to enter their borders, offering freedom and happiness, and most of these men became hard workers, essentially building the US from the ground up, along with willing investors, things were looking good-( Editors).
  • The Genius Minds Of Early America

    The Genius Minds Of Early America
    As was said in the previous event, inventors were a very big deal to The US' growth, and these people were, Eli Whitney, credited for inventing the "Cotton Gin", a complete game changer to cotton growers agriculturally. Peter Cooper, for the Tom Thumb Steam Locomotive, Jethro Wood, for the Iron Plow, James Oliver for the Steel Plow, Robert Fulton for the Steamboat, Cyrus McCormick for the Mechanical Reaper, Elias Howe for the Sewing Machine, and many more.
  • The Isolated Mindset

    The Isolated Mindset
    "During the 1870s and 1880s, the United States paid relatively little attention to foreign affairs. In comparison to such European nations as France, Germany, and Great Britain, the United States was weak militarily and had little influence in international politics"-( Editors) The United States deeply favored the idea of being isolated, and silently declared this with the Monroe Doctrine, but this idea wouldn't last very long realistically.
  • Corporate Business

    Corporate Business
    "Not only did the age of industry transform the United States into the leading industrial nation of the world, but it also changed every aspect of man's life. From workshop to corporation, country to city, and farmer to industrial laborer, the changes were immense and the price of progress was dear"-( Editors). To meet the growing financial demands of large production, seven businesses would join together in combining their money, equipment, and tacticality to form one Company.
  • The Injustice Of Corporation

    The Injustice Of Corporation
    "Profit came at the cost of the worker. Injuries and sickness were common, often leading to job loss. Hours were long and hard; there was no time for leisure or self-improvement"-( Editors). This cruelty that factory workers were subjected to could stand no longer, and so by 1886 the "Knights of labor", a union for workers, was created by a man named Uriah S. Stephens, and the message was heard, with the government introducing new laws, such as minimum wages.
  • Tensions Rise Between America And Spain

    Tensions Rise Between America And Spain
    "By 1898, America's plan to avoid outside involvement was obviously not working, for in that year, the Spanish-American War erupted. The cause of the war centered on Cuba, the West Indies Island located ninety miles south of the tip of Florida"( Editors). Cuban citizens had for many years protested for independence, and soon their wish would come true, for America had invested a good amount of money into Cuba, and therefore cared about it, going as far as to help with the protests.
  • The USS Maine

    The USS Maine
    "In an effort to protect American citizens and their Cuban property, the United States had sent the battleship Maine to the Cuban capital of Havana. While in the harbor, the Maine was mysteriously blown up, killing 260 sailors"-( Editors). This event was the final nail in the coffin for the Spanish-American war.
  • The Spanish-American War

    The Spanish-American War
    "After war was declared, Admiral George Dewey led a United States fleet into Manila Bay in the Philippines. The United States navy defeated the Spanish fleet at Manila Bay. No United States seamen were killed in the battle"-( Editors). Thankfully, the war didn't last long, for America was ready, and ended with Spain giving up Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico, but this also killed any chance at isolationism.
  • The Rough Riders

    The Rough Riders
    "Theodore Roosevelt, famed leader of a cavalry regiment known as the Rough Riders, also met victory in a land battle. The Rough Riders were made up of a combination of Roosevelt's cowboy friends from the West and his Northeastern friends. At the Battle of San Juan Hill, Roosevelt led his Rough Riders to victory and glory. This accomplishment would later give Roosevelt a great advantage over his political opponents for the Presidency"-( Editors).
  • America's Role In The World Evolved

    America's Role In The World Evolved
    America was now a world leader, concerning itself with more outside conflicts such as the boxer rebellion, negotiations between countries, and military build up. The Triple Alliance was formed between Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary was formed, and the Triple Entente was formed between France, Russia, and England.