America and the World timeline

  • WW1

    How American involvement change WW1 is It made the eventual defeat of Germany Possible. How WW1 affects the U.S. economy is the economy was mired in recession in 1914 and the war quickly opened new markets for American manufacturers.
    Vatter, H. G. (1985). The U.s. economy in world war II. Columbia University Press.
  • WW2

    How WW2 affected soldiers are more than half a million service members suffered some sort of psychiatric due to combat. How WW2 affected the economy and the U.S. Government is by The War affected the economy by bringing full employment, wages increased as well as savings, The war changed agricultural life. How WW2 affected The U.S. Government the federal government emerged from the war and was able to regulate economic activity.
  • WW2 citation

    America goes to war. (n.d.). The National WWII Museum | New Orleans.
  • The U.S. and The Cold War

    How The Korean and Vietnam Wars affected the government, Vietnam affected the government by severely damaging the U.S. Economy and being Unwilling to pay taxes. How the Korean war affected the government by They boosted up growth through government spending and Over 2.5 million people died in the Korean war.
    The results of both wars are they both lost a lot of soldiers and the U.S. protected south korean but lost south Vietnam.
  • Cold War Citation

    Spector, R. H. (2023). Vietnam War. In Encyclopedia Britannica.
    Comparing the Vietnam and Korean wars. (n.d.).
  • Similarities and Differences Between Hot and Cold Wars

    The difference between Hot and cold wars is Cold war is normally a political war while a hot war is the exact opposite of a Cold War Direct weapons were used in the hot war but not in the Cold war.
    The Similarities Between the Hot war and the Cold war is They can both still be politically motivated it's just how they show themself.