Amadeus mozart

  • He borns in Austria

    He borns in Austria
    Austria is a country from Europe. It is located between Germany, Italy, Hungary...
  • He does his first composition

    He does his first composition
    The symphony number 1 in Eb m when he was 8 years old.
  • He does his first tour with his sister

    He does his first tour with his sister
    He traveled to Germany, France, United kingdom, and Holland.
  • New tour in Austria and Italy

    New tour in Austria and Italy
  • He becomes concertino of the prince of Salzburg

    He becomes concertino of the prince of Salzburg
  • He triumphs in the first appearance of his opera (Mitrídates)

    He triumphs in the first appearance of his opera (Mitrídates)
  • His mother dies when he is in Paris.

    His mother dies when he is in Paris.
    Mozart missed her for the rest of his life.
  • He brake his link with the archbishop Colloredo and he goes to viena.s

    He brake his link with the archbishop Colloredo and he goes to viena.s
  • First performance of ``El rapto en el serrallo´´ (in spanish)

    First performance of ``El rapto en el serrallo´´ (in spanish)
    Mozart succesfully be liked from most of the people.
  • He gets into the masonry

    He gets into the masonry
    The masonery is a secret organization. With thyue purpose of growing like humans. It isn´t religious.
  • First appearance of the opera ``Las bodas de Fígaro´´ (in spanish)

    First appearance of the opera ``Las bodas de Fígaro´´ (in spanish)
    People didn´t really like it.
  • He succesfully shows ``the Magic flute´´opera

    He succesfully shows ``the Magic flute´´opera
    This was the last composition by Mozart. He compose the rèquiem.
  • He dies in vienna

    He dies in vienna
    He had a reumathic fieber.
  • He succesfully shows the opera ``Così fan tutte´´

    He succesfully shows the opera ``Così fan tutte´´
    This opera represented the value of the opera in the XVIII.