
Alicia's Life

  • Birth

    Alicia Martinez was born in Los Angeles, California, to Ella Mae Jones.
  • Big Move

    Big Move
    Alicia and family moves to Mississippi to be closer to her grandmother.
  • Bye Mommy

    Bye Mommy
    Alicia mother passes away due to cancer. Alicia and her brother move in with their grandmother.
  • Education Time

    Education Time
    Alicia begins school.
  • Born Again

    Born Again
    Alicia is baptized at New Truelight AME Church.
  • Roniya Ella Matthews

    Roniya Ella Matthews
    Alicia gives birth to a healthy and beautiful baby girl. She names her Roniya Ella Matthews.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    Alicia graduates from Velma Jackson High school. She ranked number 5 with a 3.25 GPA.
  • Becoming a Professional

    Becoming a Professional
    Alicia attends Tougaloo College. Where she is currently a Junior History Secondary Education major maintaining a 3.25 GPA.