Mason W43714/ Alexander the Great

By mw43714
  • 323


    On this date is when he dies as he is fighting at the BAbylon palace of Nebuchadnezzar II, But they still won and Destroyed their Temple of Solomon.
  • 326

    326 B.C.

    He won the battle of Hydospes
  • 327

    327 B.C

    He eventually finds a girl named Roxane and he marries her a nd after they got married he set off to India.
  • 332

    332 B.C

    332 B.C
    Won the siege of tyre, the battle was in a treeless area
  • 333

    333 B.C

    333 B.C
    Wins the battle of Issus, He was odly enough outnumbered but he still won the battle.
  • 334

    334 B.C

    334 B.C
    Wins the battle of Granicus, He lead 47,000 men to Asia
  • 336

    336 B.C

    336 B.C
    He becomes the ruler or king of Mecedonia
  • 356

    July 356 B.C

    Alexander the Great was born in Mecedonia
  • August 338 B.C

    August 338 B.C
    .Alexander the Great won his first battle of Chaeronea, Chaeronea is the site of two battles.
  • 328 B.C

    Alexander the Great killed Black Cleitus because he said an insult to Alexander the Great