Alessandro Volta

By rogan
  • When was Alesandro Vota born

    When was Alesandro Vota born
    He was born in Coma italy.His parents were Filippo Volta and Maria Volta.
  • Period: to

    time span

  • when he became a professer

    when he became a professer
    1774 he became professor of physics at the Royal School in Como, and in the following year he devised the electrophorus, an instrument that produced charges of static electricity.
  • teaching at a university

    teaching at a university
    In 1779 he became professor of physics at the University of Pavia he occupied for 25 years.
  • When he built the battery

    When he built the battery
    This is when Alessandro Volta Built the Battery
  • what else happened in the 1800

    what else happened in the 1800
    By 1800 he had developed the so-called voltaic pile, a forerunner of the electric battery, which produced a steady stream of electricity.
  • when he retired

    when he retired
    In 1819 he finally retired to private life in his country house in Camnago.
  • When he Died

    When he Died
    Alessandro Voltas death was unexpectedfor him and his family