
Albert Einstein

  • His Special Theory of Relativity is born and he applies his theory to mass and energy and formulates the famous equation e=mc2.

  • Albert Einstein becomes a privatdozent (an associate professorship) at the University of Bern.

  • He writes a paper on critical opalescence that described why the sky is blue.

  • Einstein completes the General Theory of Relativity.He joins the "New Fatherland League" a pacifist organisation

  • Einstein writes his first paper on cosmology. He is Appointed Director of Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics in Berlin

  • Einstein falls seriously ill and is nursed by his cousin, Elsa Einstein Loewenthal

  • Albert Einstein is awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for 1921

  • The "Einstein-Institute" in Potsdam begins its activities

  • He begins to develop the foundation of quantum mechanics with Niels Bohr.

  • The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox is published

  • World War II starts and Albert Einstein warns President Roosevelt that Germany might build an atomic bomb. He then recommends nuclear research

  • Einstein is appointed chairman of the Emergency Committee for Atomic Scientists

  • Albert Einstein is offered presidency of the State of Israel

  • Alber Einstein dies in Princeton Hospital at the age of 76