Albert einstein head

Albert Einstein

By ben26
  • Born

    Albert Einstein was born in Ulm Germany on March 14, 1879.
  • Moving

    In 1880, he moved to Munich
  • School

    In school, Albert learned averagely fast.
  • Music

    Albert played the violin at the age of six.
  • Collage

    Albert finished school in Switzerland in 1896 and stayed there for collage
  • Child

    Albert had a daughter in 1902.
  • Married

    Albert married Meliva Maric in 1903 and haqd two other kids named Hans in 1904 and edward in 1910
  • Nobel Prize

    Albert won the Nobel prize in 1921
  • Moving, Again

    Albert moved back to the United States in September, 1933
  • Citizin

    Albert became a United States citizin
  • president

    In 1952, Albert was asked to be the president of Israel, but declined
  • Dead

    Albert died in 1955, April 18 at the age of 66