
Al Quada in the Arabian Peninsula

  • Early attack

    USS Cole bombing was an attack to the US naval foces from Al Qaeda, probably planned by AQAP. 17 people died and 39 were injured.
  • How AQAP was formed

    How AQAP was formed
    The AQAP was formed in January 2009 from Al Qaeda's Yemeni and Saudi branches. The Saudi group had been very suppressed by the Saudi government, forcing it's members to move to Yemen. The picture shows where AQAP is located. When the AQAP was kicked out of the country they relocated in Yemen.
  • Little Rock offier attack

    Little Rock offier attack
    Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhamma fired on soldiers in front of the United States recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas in a jihad attack. He killed Private William Long, and wounded Private Quinton Ezeagwula. After this shooting Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhamm said he worked with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Penninsula. This is a picture of Little Rock recruiting ofiice.
  • Assassination attempt

    Assassination attempt
    AQAP attempted to assassinate Saudi Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef (picture), the Assistant Minister of Interior for Security Affairs. Bin Nayef was injured;the suicide bomber died. After the incident, Bin Nayef decided to continue his fight against terrorism.
  • Underwear Bomber

    Underwear Bomber
    Christmas day in 2009, AQAP attacked Northwest Airlines flight 253. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried to set off a bomb in his underwear, but it failed to fully detonate. The media named him the "Underwear Bomber" The bomb was built by AQAP's bomb-maker Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri.
  • US action in Yemen

    The United States started to consider the use of drones to fight the AQAP in Yemen. The use of these drones would bennefit the U.S. majorly because they would not have to bring in infantry soldiers.
  • Important leaders killed

    Important leaders killed
    A drone fired missiles on a car with AQAP officials. Samir Khan, the American citizen turned editor of Inspire magazine, was killed. Also Anwar al-Awlaki (picture) died, which ended a two-year manhunt. Al-Awlaki delivered online sermons and lectures for Al-Qaida.
  • Said al-Shihri

    Said al-Shihri
    Said al-Shihri(picture), the second-in-command of AQAP, died this year. On October 28, 2012, he was wounded in a drone strike and fell into a coma before being declared dead in late January. Al-Shihri was a Guantanamo Bay detainee for six years before being sent to a Saudi program for rehabilitating Islamic militants. Upon his release from the program, he quickly rejoined Al Qaida.
  • Sana's bombing

    It was a suicide attack on Unity Day Parade in Yemen with more than 150 killed and 200 injured.